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Tillers dailies, Weed War II quest

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    Tillers dailies, Weed War II quest

    The step where you are told to get the Weed War buff never automatically advanced so I looked into this.
    The code of this step is:
    		goto 38.5,51.7
    		.talk Gai Lan##57385
    		.' Ask him, "What Weeds?"
    		.' Get the Weed War buff. |havebuff Weed War
    		|only if havequest(30321)
    Don't know if this even will work on English WoW clients.
    I changed it to:
    		goto 38.5,51.7
    		.talk Gai Lan##57385
    		.' Ask him, "What Weeds?"
    		.' Get the Weed War buff. |havebuff Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_Herb_05
    		|only if havequest(30321)
    I got the code for the buff from the bug report function of the guide viewer
    This step is in the include files of both Alliance and Horde guides.
    In the leveling guide there's a similar quest which does not check for the buff, it simply has the talk and quest goal in a single step, that's why there's no problem there.

    I wonder if something has changed. I haven't done the Tillers quests in a while but whenever I had this one in the Alliance side I never had a problem with the step advancing. Could this possibly be some kind of translation issue with you being on a German client?
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      It depends on the functionality of the |havebuff switch.
      If it can use a buff name then it's possible that this step works but only with an English client.

      Using the icon code will work with other languages too and this is the way the switch is used in other guides (just search through other guide files for |havebuff and you will see quite some steps like that).


        Ok, added this to the list for the content team to look at.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          I just stumbled across the second Pest Problems quest which has a similar problem:
          This time the buff is:
          After changing this in the step it worked.
          Here's the bug report after I got the buff but still showing the step incomplete:
          Zygor Guides Viewer v4.0.6099
          Guide: DAILIES\Pandaria (85 - 90)\The Tillers Dailies
          Step: 82
          ENTER BUG DESCRIPTION HERE: ......................................................................
          --- Player information ---
          Race: Draenei  Class: WARRIOR  Spec: Furor  Level: 90.00   Faction: Alliance
          Position: Tal der Vier Winde /0 39.55,45.43 (#807, zone:'Tal der Vier Winde', realzone:'Tal der Vier Winde', subzone:'Das Kernland', minimapzone:'Das Kernland', micro:'', texture:'ValleyoftheFourWinds')
          Locale: deDE
          Target: Wika-Wika ##59532
           Schmiedekunst - Current Level: 600 Max Level: 600
           Juwelenschleifen - Current Level: 610 Max Level: 610
           Archäologie - Current Level: 600 Max Level: 600
           Angeln - Current Level: 575 Max Level: 600
           Kochkunst - Current Level: 600 Max Level: 600
           Erste Hilfe - Current Level: 600 Max Level: 600
          --- Parser Errors ---
          --- GUIDE ---
          Guide: The Tillers Dailies
          Type: DAILIES  Parsed: yes  Fully: yes
          Startlevel: 90  Endlevel: nil
          Next: nil 
          Steps: 197  Labels:  exit=36, parched=32, fung=148, nana=156, revered=131, tangled=30, wiggling=24, dailies=37, bursting=21, smothered=33, wild=27, end=197, exalted=187, runty=23, info=20, haohan=164, alluring=26, mungmung=140, honored=123, infested=25,
          --- STEP ---
            map: Tal der Vier Winde#807 /0
            floor: 0
            needsreload: false
            level: 90
            condition_visible_raw: havequest(30319)
            (incomplete, POSSIBLE, not aux)
          1.  <?>
              dirtytext: true
              prepared: true
              Status: passive  (not completable)
          2.  <Geht zum 39,45>
              action: goto
              prepared: true
              dirtytext: true
              map: Tal der Vier Winde #807 /0 0.396,0.453 (no dist)
              Status: passive  (not completable)
          3. .  <Sprecht mit Wika-Wika>
              dirtytext: true
              action: talk
              macro: 40
              npc: Wika-Wika
              macroicon: 0
              npcid: 59532
              macrosrc: /target Wika-Wika
          /run ZGV:MRM()
              prepared: true
              Status: passive  (not completable)
          4. .  "Mook-mooks?"
              action: text
              prepared: true
              dirtytext: true
              Status: passive  (not completable)
          5. .  "Get the Pest Problems buff."
              action: havebuff
              buff: Pest Problems
              prepared: true
              dirtytext: true
              Status: incomplete (incomplete, POSSIBLE, nil progress, not aux)
          6.  <?>
              dirtytext: true
              prepared: true
              Status: passive  (not completable)
          -- Auto Equip Information --Class: WARRIOR
          Level: 90
          Spec: Furor
          No Popup Shown
          --- Cached quest log ---
          2. "Beweist Eure Stärke" ##29433 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Grausige Trophäe: 75/250" (item, 75/250)
          4. "Der Donner ruft" ##32679 (lv=90):
          6. "Steven Lisbane" ##31729 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Besiegt Steven Lisbane" (event, 0/1)
          8. "Glühmagenpfefferschoten" ##30329 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Glühmagenpfefferschote: 2/4" (item, 2/4)
          10. "Die Stärke Eures Gegners" ##31473 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Siegel der Macht: 0/10" (item, 0/10)
          ... 2. "Siegel der Weisheit: 0/10" (item, 0/10)
          11. "Prüfung des Schwarzen Prinzen" ##31468 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Erreicht 'Wohlwollend' beim Schwarzen Prinzen" (reputation, 0/1)
          13. "Treffen mit der Späherin" ##32246 (lv=90):
          15. "Affenartige Sabotage" ##30337 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Gestohlene Waffen in die Luft gejagt: 0/1" (monster, 0/1)
          ... 2. "Gestohlene Werkzeuge in die Luft gejagt: 0/1" (monster, 0/1)
          ... 3. "Gestohlenes Bier in die Luft gejagt: 0/1" (monster, 0/1)
          ... 4. "Gestohlenes Getreide in die Luft gejagt: 0/1" (monster, 0/1)
          16. "Der Legenden-Häuptling der Kunzen" ##30326 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Legendenbuch der Kunzen: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
          17. "Ein Geschenk für Haohan" ##30477 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Zahn eines gewaltigen Rohrkolbenbarschs: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
          18. "Hofhelfer gesucht" ##30534 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Einen Hofhelfer angeheuert: 0/1" (monster, 0/1)
          19. "Probleme mit Schädlingen" ##30319 (lv=90):
          ... 1. "Auf Schwarznasenmurmeltier gestampft: 0/25" (monster, 0/25)
          --- Cached quests, by ID ---
          #30327: Seil in Flammen
          #30329: Glühmagenpfefferschoten
          #31942: Melonensaison
          #30321: Der zweite Unkrautkrieg
          #31943: Häh? Beeren? Hexenbeeren.
          #30317: Wasser, Wasser überall
          #29433: Beweist Eure Stärke
          #30534: Hofhelfer gesucht
          #30324: Nicht vor Chi-Chis Haustür
          #31670: Verlockende Karotten
          #31729: Steven Lisbane
          #30319: Probleme mit Schädlingen
          #30335: Der Plünderung Einhalt gebieten
          #31669: Die Kohlprüfung
          #30336: Der Kunzen-Jägerhäuptling
          #31468: Prüfung des Schwarzen Prinzen
          #30337: Affenartige Sabotage
          #30477: Ein Geschenk für Haohan
          #31671: Frühlingszwiebeln? Warum nicht?
          #32679: Der Donner ruft
          #31672: Der Duft des Kürbisses
          #32246: Treffen mit der Späherin
          #31673: Ja, ja, so rot - rot - rot blüht der Blütenlauch...
          #31941: Vierundsiebzig-elf: Kürbisch Wasser
          #31674: Wer hat die schönsten rosa Rüben im ganzen Land?
          #31473: Die Stärke Eures Gegners
          #31675: Die Heilkraft weißer Rüben
          #30326: Der Legenden-Häuptling der Kunzen
          --- Inventory ---
          -- Buffs --
          Champion des Irdenen Rings ("INTERFACE\ICONS\inv_misc_tabard_earthenring")
          Schlachtruf ("Interface\Icons\Ability_Warrior_BattleShout")
          Großer gepanzerter Greif ("Interface\Icons\inv_misc_elitegryphonarmored")
          Ungezieferprobleme ("Interface\Icons\spell_nature_insect_swarm2")
          -- Debuffs --
          -- Pet action bar --
          -- Flight Paths --
          -- Travel Route --
           1. [1214] "Tal der Vier Winde 51,47" = Tal der Vier Winde /0 51.2,47.6 [start] (t=0.0, c=0.0)
           2. [1212] "Wika-Wika" = Tal der Vier Winde /0 39.6,45.3 [end] (t=72.6, c=72.6) (link:mode=fly)
          -- Options --
          -- Log --

