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Error during instillation

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    Error during instillation

    2011-09-05 11:57:40.17 -06:00> --- Opened
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.17 -06:00> Started
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.18 -06:00> Read from registry: AcceptedLicense = 1
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.19 -06:00> Updater MD5 = 747931f2257fba6a0dfa553ff316aff5
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.40 -06:00> Read from registry: AddonsDir = F:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.40 -06:00> Read from registry: GamePath = F:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Launcher.exe
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.40 -06:00> Read from registry: User = zezibaant
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.40 -06:00> Read from registry: Pass = ***
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.40 -06:00> Read from registry: IconCreated = 1
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.40 -06:00> Read from registry: AutoMode = 0
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.40 -06:00> Determined WoW install dir: F:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.47 -06:00> Read from registry: AcceptedLicense = 1
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.51 -06:00> Checking installed version via F:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\ZygorGuidesViewer\Ver.lu a and ZygorGuidesViewer.toc .
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.51 -06:00> Read from registry: ProductString = zgv zg-la zg-lac zg-lh zg-lhc zg-da zg-dac zg-dh zg-dhc zta
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.51 -06:00> Version: 0 ()
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.52 -06:00> Logging in...
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.52 -06:00> Connecting to http://zygorguides.com/updater/packa...=1.3.4110.2901
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.54 -06:00> Login status -> LOGGINGIN
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.54 -06:00> Displaying news, 196 chars
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> Receiving response
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> LOGIN OK
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> USER charles engen
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> UPDATER_MD5 747931f2257fba6a0dfa553ff316aff5
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> VER 3.2.2677
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zgv Zygor Guides Viewer addon
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-la Zygor Leveling Guide - Alliance
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lac Zygor Leveling Guide - Alliance (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lh Zygor Leveling Guide - Horde
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lhc Zygor Leveling Guide - Horde (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-da Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Alliance
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dac Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Alliance (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dh Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Horde
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dhc Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Horde (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zta Zygor Talent Advisor addon + builds
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCTDIR ZygorGuidesViewer
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCTDIR ZygorTalentAdvisor
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> CHG:
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Alliance Guides Change Log --
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Changed lots of Coordinates to show up in-game.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Worgen Starter area cleaned up more.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Badlands Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Searing Gorge Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Burning Steppes Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Swamp of Sorrows Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Horde Guides Change Log --
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Changed lots of Coordinates to show up in-game.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Northern Barrens - Changed end of guide to give breadcrumb
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> to Ashenvale.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Ashenvale - Deleted steps to get flight paths and changed
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> breadcrumb quest.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Guides Viewer Change Log --
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Gilneas from being badly arrowed.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Quest auto-accepting fixed for instant quests.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Re-enabled shift-clicking on world map to set manual
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> waypoints.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Corpse arrow should work better in special zones.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Added a tiny animation to worldmap icons.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Magic Key hint now hides when the guide is hidden.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Carbonite support fixed. No longer relying on its TomTom
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> imitation, either.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Pointer arrow no longer points over the sea.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Pointer arrow distance calculator now works when Minimap
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> is hidden.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Other Changes --
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> Alliance Dailies Guide:
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> -----------------------
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Added Shattered Sun Offensive

    Pre-Quests and Dailies.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> Horde Dailies Guide:
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> --------------------
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Added Shattered Sun Offensive Pre-Quests and Dailies.
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> All Guides:
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> -----------
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed various typos in all guides
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> :CHG
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> LOGIN> END
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.82 -06:00> Login complete
    2011-09-05 11:57:40.84 -06:00> Login status -> USER
    2011-09-05 11:57:41.05 -06:00> Displaying news, 1579 chars
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.66 -06:00> Checking installed version via F:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\ZygorGuidesViewer\Ver.lu a and ZygorGuidesViewer.toc .
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.66 -06:00> Read from registry: ProductString = zgv zg-la zg-lac zg-lh zg-lhc zg-da zg-dac zg-dh zg-dhc zta
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.66 -06:00> Version: 0 ()
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.66 -06:00> Logging in...
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.66 -06:00> Connecting to http://zygorguides.com/updater/packa...=1.3.4110.2901
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.68 -06:00> Login status -> LOGGINGIN
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> Receiving response
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> LOGIN OK
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> USER charles engen
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> UPDATER_MD5 747931f2257fba6a0dfa553ff316aff5
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> VER 3.2.2677
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zgv Zygor Guides Viewer addon
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-la Zygor Leveling Guide - Alliance
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lac Zygor Leveling Guide - Alliance (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lh Zygor Leveling Guide - Horde
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lhc Zygor Leveling Guide - Horde (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-da Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Alliance
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dac Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Alliance (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dh Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Horde
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dhc Zygor Dailies and Events Guide - Horde (Cataclysm)
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zta Zygor Talent Advisor addon + builds
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCTDIR ZygorGuidesViewer
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> PRODUCTDIR ZygorTalentAdvisor
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> CHG:
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Alliance Guides Change Log --
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Changed lots of Coordinates to show up in-game.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Worgen Starter area cleaned up more.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Badlands Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Searing Gorge Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Burning Steppes Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Swamp of Sorrows Loremaster Guide to load correctly
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Horde Guides Change Log --
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Changed lots of Coordinates to show up in-game.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Northern Barrens - Changed end of guide to give breadcrumb
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> to Ashenvale.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Ashenvale - Deleted steps to get flight paths and changed
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> breadcrumb quest.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Guides Viewer Change Log --
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed Gilneas from being badly arrowed.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Quest auto-accepting fixed for instant quests.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Re-enabled shift-clicking on world map to set manual
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> waypoints.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Corpse arrow should work better in special zones.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Added a tiny animation to worldmap icons.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Magic Key hint now hides when the guide is hidden.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Carbonite support fixed. No longer relying on its TomTom
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> imitation, either.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Pointer arrow no longer points over the sea.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Pointer arrow distance calculator now works when Minimap
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> is hidden.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> -- Other Changes --
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> Alliance Dailies Guide:
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> -----------------------
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Added Shattered Sun Offensive Pre-Quests and Dailies.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> Horde Dailies Guide:
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> --------------------
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Added Shattered Sun Offensive Pre-Quests and Dailies.
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> All Guides:
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> -----------
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> * Fixed various typos in all guides
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN>
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> :CHG
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> LOGIN> END
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.89 -06:00> Login complete
    2011-09-05 11:57:42.90 -06:00> Login status -> USER
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.55 -06:00> Checking for WoW running... negative
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.56 -06:00> Started Guides update thread
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.56 -06:00> Creating temporary file for Guides
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.56 -06:00> Temporary file is: C:\Users\Charles\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp450.tmp
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.56 -06:00> Preparing file list...
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.56 -06:00> Listed 0 files
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.56 -06:00> Calculating MD5 hashes...
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.56 -06:00> Calculation complete
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.57 -06:00> Connecting to http://zygorguides.com/updater/packager.php
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.58 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.59 -06:00> POSTing user=zezibaant&pass=*****&do=comp&uv=1.3.4110.2901
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.88 -06:00> Downloading update, 3404161 advertised length
    2011-09-05 11:57:44.89 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.05 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.11 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.17 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.61 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.64 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.67 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.70 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.73 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.76 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.80 -06:00> Login status -> USER
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.80 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.83 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.86 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.89 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.92 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.95 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:45.98 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.02 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.05 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.08 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.11 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.14 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.17 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.20 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.23 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.26 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.30 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.33 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.45 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.48 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.51 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.54 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.58 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.61 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.64 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.67 -06:00> Update status -> DOWNLOADING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.69 -06:00> Downloaded 3030401 bytes, ZIPness verified
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.69 -06:00> Unzipping C:\Users\Charles\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp450.tmp
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.70 -06:00> Update status -> UNZIPPING
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.70 -06:00> Error during updating guides: System.IO.EndOfStreamException: End of stream
    at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.ReadLEUshort()
    at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.ReadEntries()
    at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(String name)
    at ZygorUpdaterCS.Form1.UpdateWork_Unzip(String file)
    at ZygorUpdaterCS.Form1.UpdateWork()
    2011-09-05 11:57:46.71 -06:00> --- Closed


      Ok, it had a problem with unzipping the files. Have you used the Windows Update utility to make sure you have all patches for your .NET Framework?
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

