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Add a 'Like' button.

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    Add a 'Like' button.

    Sometimes people write really good posts - and sometimes, they hit the nail on the head and there's no need to follow up; they said what you (the viewer) wanted to say, and the point was made clear.

    Hopefully the responses given to the aforementioned post would address the concerns of others as well, who share the OP's issue or point of view, and they leave the discussion or forum satisfied that they've been heard through someone else.

    This is where a 'Like' (or 'Dislike', or 'Disagree') button would come in extremely handy. If for no other reason than to show your support (or lack thereof) of a certain post; it would allow the member to quickly declare his or her stance with the issue, opinion or response in silence if they so choose. Though I've always thought if you disagree with someone, helping them understand your reasoning for it is always a good thing, as it may be a reason they hadn't considered before.

    I think Wowhead utilizes their 'like' feature in an interesting way - albeit there are some pretty crazy posts on that forum that get "upvoted". I'm not saying I support upvoting posts to allow them to move to the top of a thread, but I do think it's an interesting concept.

    On an ending note, I don't think having these buttons is unreasonable, as we already show how many posts someone has donated to the forums (in the Name/Icon panel), so there's some sort of psychology in that. I think this would be good psychology, to see that someone else likes what you've said - showing you that you've made a positive impact - even if they didn't say anything at all. It would certainly make a difference, in my opinion, to the person who contributes hundreds (or thousands?) of posts to the forums - seeing that little Smiley or 'thumbs up' with a number by it, tacked onto their post. There's something...invigorating...about it. It makes you - with due diligence - want to contribute more, in a positive manner.

    ...or am I alone in this?

    I usually overlook such reputation systems in forums. But mostly because they allow positive and negative voting. This normally leads to "I don't like this guy so I down vote all his posts" problems.
    But something like this "x user find this useful" thing Amazon for example has may be a nice addition to the forum. But it more depends on the forum software and if it has this feature.


      I wanted to hit a "like" button at the bottom of fluffychef's "Add a 'Like' button" post above but there wasn't one available so I had to add this reply to show my support which was much more time consuming. As to what Senior Member Cartman said, well I really dislike it when forum members vote on posts on the basis of who wrote them and not the content. That is childish and unworthy of an thoughtful adult format.

