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[Gold Guide] Bug Report 01

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    [Gold Guide] Bug Report 01

    Got this error after leaving the AH and selecting the Jade Legplates guide.

    Date: 2015-11-06 00:21:19
    ID: 1
    Error occured in: Global
    Count: 1
    Message: ..\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Goal.lua line 552:
       Usage: GetItemInfo(itemID|"name"|"itemlink")
       [C]: GetItemInfo()
       ZygorGuidesViewer\Goal.lua:552: gettext()
       ZygorGuidesViewer\Goal.lua:2083: GetText()
       ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:2243: UpdateFrame()
       ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:1246: FocusStepUnquiet()
       ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:1227: FocusStep()
       ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:1433: SkipStep()
       ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:1651: TryToCompleteStep()
       ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:4428: FakeCompleteGoal()
       ZygorGuidesViewer\Goal.lua:2848: OnClick()
       ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:4228: GoalOnClick()
    (*temporary) = nil
      Swatter, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
      NPCScan, v6.2.2.3
      NPCScanOverlay, v6.2.2.1
      Accountant, v6.02.60200
      Ace3, v
      AchievementsReminder, v
      AckisRecipeList, v6.2.2.1
      ACP, v3.4.22 
      ArkInventory, v30511
      ArkInventoryRules, v10001
      Auctionator, v3.2.6
      Bartender4, v4.6.11
      CrossRealmAssist, v0.5
      DailyAzeroth, v1.2.7
      DailyGlobalCheck, v
      DailyGlobalCheckGarrisonMissions, v
      DailyGlobalCheckGarrisonWorkOrders, v
      DailyGlobalCheckHallowsEnd, v
      DailyGlobalCheckInstanceLockouts, v
      DailyGlobalCheckPetTamers, v
      DailyGlobalCheckProfessions, v
      DailyGlobalCheckWodRareMobs, v
      DailyGlobalCheckWodTreasureChests, v
      DailyGlobalCheckWorldBosses, v
      DBMArchaeology, v
      DBMCore, v
      DBMInterrupts, v6.2.0
      DBMSpellTimers, v
      DBMStatusBarTimers, v
      DBMVPVEM, v5.0
      DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
      GatherMate2, v1.35.4
      GreenWall, v1.6.5
      HandyNotes, vv1.4.5
      HandyNotesAzerothsTopTunes, vv1.1
      HandyNotesCityGuide, v1.7.1
      HandyNotesDirections, v1
      HandyNotesDraenorTreasures, v1.16
      HandyNotesEliteBattlePets, v1
      HandyNotesFieldPhotographer, v6.2.0.1
      HandyNotesHigherLearning, v6.2.0.4
      HandyNotesLostAndFound, v1
      HandyNotesLunarFestival, vv1.3
      HandyNotesMailboxes, v1
      HandyNotesSpecialNPCsEtc, v1.1.1-Beta
      HandyNotesSummerFestival, vv1.2
      HandyNotesTimelessIsleRareElites, v2.32
      HandyNotesTimelessIsleChests, v1.13
      HandynotesTimelessTreasures, v1.0.2
      HandyNotesTrainers, v1.7.0
      HandyNotesTreasureHunter, v1
      HandyNotesVendors, v1.7.0
      HandyNotesWellRead, v6.1.0.4
      HandyNotesWorldMapButton, vv2.3.1
      HealersHaveToDie, v2.3.7
      InstanceProfits, v
      IoTWeeklyCheck, v
      LFRAdvanced, v6.2.2.20444
      LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-93
      LibSink20, v
      Mapster, v1.6.4
      MasterPlanA, vA
      MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.143
      MonkeyBuddy, v
      MonkeyLibrary, v
      MonkeyQuest, v
      MonkeyQuestLog, v
      MonkeySpeed, vv3.3.5
      Overachiever, v0.83
      PGFinder, vv3.0
      Prat30, v3.5.20      
      Prat30Libraries, v
      Quartz, v3.2.5
      QuartzProcs, v3.49
      RaidAchievement, v
      RaidAchievementOldModules, v
      RSA, v3.101
      RSAWarrior, v
      SlideBar, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
      Stubby, v5.21e.5566 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
      TanaanGroupFinder, v1.0
      TheUndermineJournal, v3.4.20151103
      TidyPlates, v6.17.1
      TidyPlatesGraphite, v
      TidyPlatesGrey, v
      TidyPlatesNeon, v
      TidyPlatesQuatre, v
      TidyPlatesHub, v
      TidyPlatesWidgets, v
      TimelessDailyCheck, v
      WeakAuras, v2.1.0.15-11-g80ddb58
      ZPerl, vr981
      ZPerlArcaneBar, v
      ZPerlParty, v
      ZPerlPartyPet, v
      ZPerlPlayer, v
      ZPerlPlayerBuffs, v
      ZPerlPlayerPet, v
      ZPerlRaidFrames, v
      ZPerlTarget, v
      ZPerlTargetTarget, v
      ZygorGuidesViewer, v5.0
      BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v6.2.2.60200 <none>
    There's no section for the gold guide specifically here so I didn't know where to put it. I have a lot of addons but I don't see any of them conflicting with Zygor as none have so far.

    I'll pass this on to the team.
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