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World Quest - Feast of the Hounds - Inside cave

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    World Quest - Feast of the Hounds - Inside cave

    The World Quest "Feast of the Hounds" is inside a cave. The guide does not tell you this or direct you to the cave entrance at 38.25,37.49

    Zygor Guides Viewer v6.1.16245
    Guide: DAILIES\Legion\World Quests
    Step: 1222

    --- Player information ---
    Race: Tauren Class: WARRIOR Spec: Protection Level: 108.60 Faction: Horde
    Position: Stormheim /0 38.25,37.49 (#1017, zone:'Felscale Cavern', realzone:'Felscale Cavern', subzone:'', minimapzone:'Felscale Cavern', micro:'', texture:'Stormheim')

    --- GUIDE ---
    Guide: World Quests
    Type: DAILIES Parsed: yes Fully: yes
    Startlevel: 110 Endlevel: nil

    --- STEP ---
    map: Stormheim#1017 /0
    floor: 0
    label: quest-45786
    current_waypoint_goal_num: 5
    isFocused: true
    level: 0
    needsreload: false
    beta: false
    (incomplete, POSSIBLE, not aux)
    1. "Follow the path"
    action: goto
    dirtytext: true
    prepared: true
    was_clicked: false
    was_visited: false
    map: Stormheim #1017 /0 0.3467,0.4798 >20
    visibility condition: walking
    Status: passive (not completable)
    2. "Follow the path"
    action: goto
    dirtytext: true
    prepared: true
    was_clicked: false
    was_visited: false
    map: Stormheim #1017 /0 0.3738,0.4451 >25
    visibility condition: walking
    Status: passive (not completable)
    3. "Drop down"
    action: goto
    dirtytext: true
    prepared: true
    was_clicked: false
    was_visited: false
    map: Stormheim #1017 /0 0.3904,0.3839 >20
    visibility condition: walking
    Status: passive (not completable)
    4. "Drop down"
    action: goto
    dirtytext: true
    prepared: true
    was_clicked: false
    was_visited: true
    map: Stormheim #1017 /0 0.3841,0.3768 >15
    visibility condition: walking
    Status: passive (not completable)
    5. <Accept `Feast of the Hounds'>
    action: accept
    dirtytext: true
    was_visited: false
    prepared: true
    autotitle: 37.39,38.54
    was_clicked: false
    map: Stormheim #1017 /0 0.3739,0.3854 (no dist)
    quest: "Feast of the Hounds" ##45786 (no goal) - quest not in log (id: not completed)
    Status: incomplete (incomplete, POSSIBLE, nil progress, not aux, 'nil')
    6. <?>
    tooltip: You will accept this quest automatically.
    prepared: true
    dirtytext: true
    was_clicked: false
    was_visited: false
    Status: passive (not completable)

    -- Travel Route --
    1. [2653] "Stormheim 38,37" = Stormheim 1017 /0 38.3,37.4 [start] (closed) (context:walk_start__fly_end) (t=0.0/0.0)
    2. [2651] "Feast of the Hounds" = Stormheim 1017 /0 37.4,38.5 [end] (closed) (mode:fly from [2653]) (context:fly_end) [my t=2.2/6.5] (t=2.2/6.5) (waypt: Accept `Feast of the Hounds')

    We'll check into this.
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