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Our Daily Bread Achievement - Infused Mushroom Meatloaf

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    Our Daily Bread Achievement - Infused Mushroom Meatloaf

    At step 4 it tells us to "Kill Underbelly Rats".
    Why ?
    There is no reason to kill them.
    You just need to do the other part of this step "Collect 4 Infused Mushrooms", which are on the ground in this area.

    Zygor Guides Viewer v5.0.11808
    Guide: ACHIEVEMENTS\Profession Achievements\Cooking\Our Daily Bread Achievement
    Step: 8

    --- Player information ---
    Race: Tauren Class: DRUID Spec: Guardian Level: 100.01 Faction: Horde
    Position: Dalaran /2 51.21,52.68 (#504, zone:'Dalaran', realzone:'Dalaran', subzone:'Circle of Wills', minimapzone:'Circle of Wills', micro:'', texture:'Dalaran')

    --- Parser Errors ---

    --- GUIDE ---
    Guide: Our Daily Bread Achievement
    Type: ACHIEVEMENTS Parsed: yes Fully: yes
    Startlevel: nil Endlevel: nil
    Next: nil
    Steps: 24 Labels:

    --- STEP ---
    map: Dalaran#504 /1
    floor: 1
    title: Dalaran Cooking Dailies
    needsreload: false
    level: 0
    (COMPLETE, impossible, not aux)
    1. <Go to 59,43>
    action: goto
    prepared: true
    was_clicked: false
    dirtytext: true
    map: Dalaran #504 /1 0.595,0.436 (no dist)
    Status: passive (not completable)
    2. . <Kill Underbelly Rats>
    action: from
    mobsraw: Underbelly Rat##32428+
    macrosrc: /target Underbelly Rat
    /run ZGV:MRM():CG(8,2)
    mobspre: Underbelly Rat##32428+
    macro: 135
    was_visited: false
    prepared: true
    macroicon: 0
    was_clicked: false
    dirtytext: true
    mobs: Underbelly Rat
    Status: passive (not completable)
    3. . <Collected 4 Infused Mushrooms (4/4)>
    action: collect
    prepared: true
    count: 4
    dirtytext: true
    was_clicked: false
    Lreasons: questid 13112
    was_visited: false
    quest: "Infused Mushroom Meatloaf" ##13112 (no goal) - quest in log (id: not completed)
    target: "Infused Mushroom" ##43100

    Status: complete (COMPLETE, POSSIBLE, 1 progress, not aux, 'fallback 'collect')

    --- Cached quest log ---
    2. "Keep the Fires Burning" ##13890 (lv=22):
    ... 1. "0/1 Lighthouse Fire Lit" (monster, 0/1)
    3. "The Essence of Aku'Mai" ##26890 (lv=22):
    ... 1. "0/20 Sapphire of Aku'Mai" (item, 0/20)
    5. "Battle Pet Tamers: Northrend" ##31929 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "Defeat Beegle Blastfuse" (event, 0/1)
    ... 2. "Defeat Nearly Headless Jacob" (event, 1/1, complete)
    ... 3. "Defeat Okrut Dragonwaste" (event, 0/1)
    ... 4. "Defeat Gutretch" (event, 0/1)
    6. "What We've Been Training For" ##32863 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "0/10 Players defeated in pet battle" (player, 0/10)
    8. "Sigil of the Black Hand" ##37029 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "0/4 Ember of the Mountain" (item, 0/4)
    ... 2. "0/4 Heart of Stone" (item, 0/4)
    ... 3. "0/4 Sliver of Iron" (item, 0/4)
    10. "Infused Mushroom Meatloaf" ##13112 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "0/1 Infused Mushroom Meatloaf" (item, 0/1)
    12. "Walled City: Brackenspore" ##37756 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "0/1 Brackenspore slain" (monster, 0/1)
    14. "The Final Assault" ##37841 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "0/1 Await Further Instructions" (monster, 0/1)
    16. "The World Famous Ring of Blood!" ##37981 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "0/1 Skull Chewer pulverized" (monster, 0/1)
    ... 2. "0/1 Fracktus shattered" (monster, 0/1)
    ... 3. "0/1 Rotvine cut down" (monster, 0/1)
    ... 4. "0/1 Dreshax stomped" (monster, 0/1)
    18. "A Sentimental Relic" ##35245 (lv=96, complete):
    ... 1. "Bring Lithic's Gift to Reshad in Veil Terokk." (log, 1/1, complete)
    20. "Judgment at the Eye of Eternity" ##13384 (lv=80):
    ... 1. "0/1 Heart of Magic" (item, 0/1)
    22. "Completionism" ##38395 (lv=100):
    ... 1. "4/10 Misprinted Draenic Coin" (item, 4/10)
    24. "Stop the Siege" ##13185 (lv=90):
    ... 1. "2/3 Alliance Siege Devices destroyed" (monster, 2/3)

    --- Cached quests, by ID ---
    #13113: Convention at the Legerdemain
    #13114: Sewer Stew
    #35245: A Sentimental Relic
    #13116: Mustard Dogs!
    #29317: Fish Head
    #29319: Tadpole Terror
    #29320: Like Pike?
    #29322: Time for Slime
    #37029: Sigil of the Black Hand
    #13185: Stop the Siege
    #37756: Walled City: Brackenspore
    #29345: Pond Predators
    #29346: The Ring's the Thing
    #13384: Judgment at the Eye of Eternity
    #29348: The Race to Restock
    #29349: Craving Crayfish
    #13890: Keep the Fires Burning
    #31929: Battle Pet Tamers: Northrend
    #29354: Shiny Baubles
    #13115: Cheese for Glowergold
    #38395: Completionism
    #13830: The Ghostfish
    #37981: The World Famous Ring of Blood!
    #29365: Perfectly Picked Portions
    #37841: The Final Assault
    #29361: Moat Monster!
    #29362: "Magic" Mushrooms
    #29363: Mulgore Spice Bread
    #29364: Corn Mash
    #13834: Dangerously Delicious
    #13832: Jewel Of The Sewers
    #26890: The Essence of Aku'Mai
    #13833: Blood Is Thicker
    #13836: Disarmed!
    #13112: Infused Mushroom Meatloaf
    #29358: Pining for Nuts
    #32863: What We've Been Training For

    -- Travel Route --
    1. [2252] "The Underbelly 51,52" = Dalaran City 504 /2 51.2,52.7 [start] [closed] (t=0.0/0.0)
    2. [1838] "Dalaran City 61,49" = Dalaran City 504 /1 61.2,49.0 [misc] [closed] (REG:underbelly) (mode:walk from [2252]) [my t=7.6/22.7] (t=7.6/22.7)
    3. [1837] "Dalaran City 59,47" = Dalaran City 504 /1 59.8,47.4 [misc] [closed] (mode:walk from [1838]) [my t=4.0/12.0] (t=11.6/34.7)
    4. [2250] "Infused Mushroom Meatloaf" = Dalaran City 504 /1 59.5,43.6 [end] [closed] (mode:fly from [1837]) [my t=5.7/17.0] (t=17.2/51.7) (waypt: Go to 59,43)

    It looks like maybe at one time (when the guide was created) that you needed to kill the rats to get the mushrooms? I can't seem to find any comments to corroborate this theory. Will add this to the list for the team to remove the rat reference.
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      I don't ever remember having to kill those rats during WoLK.
      Guess it'll be one those little mysteries that will be forgotten about ;-)


        Found another error in this daily.
        It tells us to create 4 Northern Stew.
        For some reason the "Convention at the Legerdemain" daily step has been incorporated into the "Infused Mushroom Meatloaf" daily.
        In other words it is going to step 5 instead of step 7.

        Zygor Guides Viewer v5.0.11808
        Guide: ACHIEVEMENTS\Profession Achievements\Cooking\Our Daily Bread Achievement
        Step: 6

        --- Player information ---
        Race: Tauren Class: DRUID Spec: Guardian Level: 100.01 Faction: Horde
        Position: Dalaran /1 52.53,14.62 (#504, zone:'Dalaran', realzone:'Dalaran', subzone:'The Bank of Dalaran', minimapzone:'The Bank of Dalaran', micro:'', texture:'Dalaran')
        Target: Teller Rames ##28675

        --- GUIDE ---
        Guide: Our Daily Bread Achievement
        Type: ACHIEVEMENTS Parsed: yes Fully: yes
        Startlevel: nil Endlevel: nil
        Next: nil
        Steps: 24 Labels:

        --- STEP ---
        map: Dragonblight#488 /0
        floor: 0
        title: Dalaran Cooking Dailies
        needsreload: false
        level: 0
        (incomplete, POSSIBLE, not aux)
        1. "Create a basic campfire"
        action: cast
        prepared: true
        was_clicked: false
        was_visited: false
        dirtytext: true
        castspell: "Cooking Fire" ##818 GetSpellInfo(818) == Cooking Fire,,Interface\Icons\Spell_Fire_Fire,2000,0,3,818
        Status: passive (not completable)
        2. . <Cook 4 Northern Stews
        (open Cooking window)>
        action: create
        skill: Cooking
        macrosrc: #showtooltip Cooking{;}/run CloseTradeSkill(){;}/cast Cooking{;}/run ZGV:PerformTradeSkillGoal({stepnum},{goalnum})
        spellid: 57421
        dirtytext: true
        macro: 136
        was_visited: false
        prepared: true
        count: 4
        skillnum: 0
        was_clicked: false
        spell: Northern Stew
        hiddenCount: 4
        Status: incomplete (incomplete, POSSIBLE, 0 progress, not aux, 'fallback 'create')
        3. . <Get 4 Northern Stews>
        action: get
        dirtytext: true
        was_visited: false
        prepared: true
        was_clicked: false
        count: 4
        quest: "Convention at the Legerdemain" ##13113 goal 1: "4 x Northern Stew" - quest not in log (id: not completed)
        target: "Northern Stew"
        Status: impossible (incomplete, impossible, nil progress, not aux, 'quest not in log')

        --- Cached quest log ---
        2. "Keep the Fires Burning" ##13890 (lv=22):
        ... 1. "0/1 Lighthouse Fire Lit" (monster, 0/1)
        4. "Grand Master Obalis" ##31970 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "Defeat Obalis" (event, 0/1)
        5. "What We've Been Training For" ##32863 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "0/10 Players defeated in pet battle" (player, 0/10)
        7. "Sigil of the Black Hand" ##37029 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "1/4 Ember of the Mountain" (item, 1/4)
        ... 2. "1/4 Heart of Stone" (item, 1/4)
        ... 3. "1/4 Sliver of Iron" (item, 1/4)
        9. "Infused Mushroom Meatloaf" ##13112 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "0/1 Infused Mushroom Meatloaf" (item, 0/1)
        11. "Walled City: Brackenspore" ##37756 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "0/1 Brackenspore slain" (monster, 0/1)
        13. "The Final Assault" ##37841 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "0/1 Await Further Instructions" (monster, 0/1)
        15. "The World Famous Ring of Blood!" ##37981 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "0/1 Skull Chewer pulverized" (monster, 0/1)
        ... 2. "0/1 Fracktus shattered" (monster, 0/1)
        ... 3. "0/1 Rotvine cut down" (monster, 0/1)
        ... 4. "0/1 Dreshax stomped" (monster, 0/1)
        17. "A Sentimental Relic" ##35245 (lv=96, complete):
        ... 1. "Bring Lithic's Gift to Reshad in Veil Terokk." (log, 1/1, complete)
        19. "Judgment at the Eye of Eternity" ##13384 (lv=80, complete):
        ... 1. "1/1 Heart of Magic" (item, 1/1, complete)
        21. "Victory in Tol Barad" ##28884 (lv=90, complete):
        ... 1. "Victory in Tol Barad" (event, 1/1, complete)
        23. "Completionism" ##38395 (lv=100):
        ... 1. "4/10 Misprinted Draenic Coin" (item, 4/10)

        --- Cached quests, by ID ---
        #38395: Completionism
        #37841: The Final Assault
        #13832: Jewel Of The Sewers
        #13112: Infused Mushroom Meatloaf
        #13833: Blood Is Thicker
        #13384: Judgment at the Eye of Eternity
        #35245: A Sentimental Relic
        #13834: Dangerously Delicious
        #13890: Keep the Fires Burning
        #29358: Pining for Nuts
        #13114: Sewer Stew
        #32863: What We've Been Training For
        #13115: Cheese for Glowergold
        #13113: Convention at the Legerdemain
        #37981: The World Famous Ring of Blood!
        #13836: Disarmed!
        #13830: The Ghostfish
        #29362: "Magic" Mushrooms
        #13116: Mustard Dogs!
        #29363: Mulgore Spice Bread
        #37756: Walled City: Brackenspore
        #29364: Corn Mash
        #28884: Victory in Tol Barad
        #29365: Perfectly Picked Portions
        #37029: Sigil of the Black Hand
        #31970: Grand Master Obalis

        -- Travel Route --
        1. [2252] "Dalaran City 52,14" = Dalaran City 504 /1 52.5,14.6 [start] [closed] (t=0.0/0.0)
        2. [2250] "Convention at the Legerdemain" = Dalaran City 504 /1 55.0,30.8 [end] [closed] (mode:fly from [2252]) [my t=7.9/23.7] (t=7.9/23.7) (waypt: ?)

