Zygor's Dailies and Reputation guide is perfect for players who have reached max level and are looking to dive head first into the end game content. Our guides walk you through all of the Dailies and World Quests needed to earn resources and raise reputation in order to unlock the most rare and unique items.
Unlock The Full Experience Of The End Game.
Get more out of the game.
The fun doesn't end once you reach level 70, but finding more content to do or how to unlock it isn't always straightforward. Zygor makes it easy to find World Quests and Dailies hubs and what prerequisites you have to complete to unlock them.

Win over the citizens of Azeroth.
Discover the fastest way to go from Neutral to Exalted status by using our complete walkthroughs that take you through all the best reputation gaining quests and side activities.

Earn better, more unique rewards.
Our Dailies guides are optimized to get you through every quest with speed and effeciency as well as earn you unique gear, pets, mounts, achievements, and gold in the process.

Participate in seasonal events.
Our Event guides will make sure you complete everything there is to do before each event ends so you won't have to wait another whole year for the event to repeat.
Guide Content Overview
Key Features:

World Quest Planner.
Use our World Quest Planner to see what world quests are available and what rewards they offer. You can load guides for the world quests individually or mix and match several and the guide will automatically generate a dynamic guide to walk you through all of them.

Multiple Ways To Earn Reputation.
Many reputations can be earned quickly by putting on a tabard and running dungeons, but this method can be tedious and boring. When possible, our guide gives you alternative options such as completing quests or other tasks, if you prefer a less grindy way to raise your rep.

Unlock The Year Long Achievement.
We include everything needed to unlock the "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been" achievement that rewards you with the coveted Violet Proto-Drake flying mount for participating in all major events for the year.

Updated monthly with new events.
We make sure our guides are always updated within the first day new events go live so you never have to worry about the guides being current with the latest content.