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Is the arrow working as intended?

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    Is the arrow working as intended?

    So, previously the waypoint arrow would tell me to "Kill X Mobs" or "Get X Things" when I arrived at the quests location and that's exactly how I liked it. Never needed to look at the actual "guide box". But now, it says "Go to 'quest name'" and that's it. That is absolutely it. No other information beyond "Go to" is ever shown. Standing exactly where the WP is pointing just makes it keep pointing there and it only moves to next quest after I complete the one it was pointing me to, by reading what to do from the Zygor Box thing. If this is intended, why? It's horrible. I don't even want to use the guide like this. I want the ARROW to tell me everything so I can turn off my brains and just look at what it says. Which now is "Go to", forever. And then stand there doing nothing. Unless I read the guide itself, which is not what I want to be doing.