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    I really like the Zygor guide, but after using it for three months now I came across a few things that could be improved. Here we go:

    1. User Interface
    The current user interface is just too big and it occasionally makes me miss things. Looking at the current design I am wondering if the top section could become smaller. For example the large box containing the current guide title is not needed and could just become a balloon tip on one of the configuration buttons. Just removing this area would pretty much save a third of the screen space used...
    In general, smaller is better for the entire guide...

    2. Quest Selection
    Well, let's face it. Some quests suck and we don't really want to do them. However, we don't really know if a given quest is needed to get a better follow up quest. For example, I personally don't like the grinding quests and, since I am typically almost one level ahead, I don't really need them. So, maybe we could get some kind of marker to know if a quest can be skipped or not?

    3. Quest Items not marked as Quest Items
    I think this could be an area where Zygor could be better than Blizzard. It seems that there are still many items out there that are not clearly marked as quest items. Maybe Zygor could have an add-on to prevent me from selling these unmarked quest items? Just to be clear: I am not talking about items bought to complete a quest.

    Anyhow, just a few small ideas to make this outstanding guide even better!


    User Interface
    The UI can be scaled down if you would like. Right click the "Z" icon on the mini map, then click the "+" symbol next to Zygor Guides Viewer, then click Display and in the "Window features" sections there are three slider bars to change the UI scale and the text sizes.

    Quest Selection
    The problem with this is that many customers would skip quests unwisely, run into problems and grinding, and then complain to us about it. Also, if you skip those grind quests you're going to have to grind out that gap in experience anyway. This is something that will require a lot of meeting room discussions to get right.

    Quest Items
    Hmm, this is interesting because when testing the guide I've never been able to sell quest items. It usually says "vendor doesn't want this item". I'd be curious to know which items can be sold that are for quests.
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      Yes, I found the option to resize the interface, but I like to keep Zygor on top of my screen and I have been unable to move it all the way up so far without the menu being off screen...

      I guess I am just wondering if the header section needs to be as big as it is right now.

      I understand your point about the quest selection, but maybe we could at least mark quest that are NOT needed to activate other quests? I guess I just got rattled by a terrible grinding quest taking me like 2 hours too complete because the damn mob simply didn't drop the right loot...

      Not having a quest item even though I completed the quest happened twice to me so far. Unfortunately, I did not write down the quest or item name. I can only recall that it was a quest in the Wetlands with a delivery in Stormwind City or Iron Forge.

      The second time it was a potion of some sort. I do understand that portions are regular items... I guess I was wondering if it would be possible to show that an item could be a "possible quest item". This would be something new and I guess it is not available in any tool to my knowledge. However, when I think about it some more it seems that such functionality would be better off in a separate tool like Carbonite.



        I can think of a specific quest item that's not marked as a quest item by blizzard. In the Alliance guide when you're killing the Harvest Watchers in Westfall the guide has us collect 5 oil flasks (or whatever they're called) for completing a quest much later at the lighthouse. Also things like the Goretusk Snouts, Goretusk Liver, Vulture Ribs, all used for the Goretusk Stew quest, these are all items that Blizzard doesn't mark as being a quest item and are easy to mistakenly sell to a vendor.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          I hear you.

          I also found that some of my suggestions are addressed by other functionality. For example I find that there is a function to skip quests below my level. I guess I missed that before.



            Another one is in the alliance guide - the one for the thelsamar blood sauges, I think it is. The one where you have to kill boars, bears, and spiders for bear meat, spider icor and (I think) boar intestines. I was actually -just- thinking about this because I had just finished that quest and there were times before where I had either sold them or cooked them. Then I was mad because I had to go get them all over again. hehe

            So, that would be awesome if you could somehow work something out for that.
            80 Tauren Hunter - 75 Blood Elf Paladin - 54 Tauren Druid - 47 Undead Mage - 25 Dwarf Paladin - 26 Human Mage

