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Hey guys... whose gigantic green blob is this?

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    Hey guys... whose gigantic green blob is this?

    I was in the middle of the game and didn't take the time to research all the options in Zygor, Carbonite, and Blizzard to find out who presents this "unsizeable" gigantic green blob on my maps. It's larger than the huge buildings in town!

    gigantic green blob on maps.jpg

    That is the Zygor waypoint marker so the arrow has something to point at. It's always huge like that on the Carbonite map because Carbonite does it's own map scaling that is not normally present on the Blizzard maps and that scaling causes our waypoint marker to be huge.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Show the "green blob" again. How?

      Originally posted by cabby View Post
      That is the Zygor waypoint marker so the arrow has something to point at. It's always huge like that on the Carbonite map because Carbonite does it's own map scaling that is not normally present on the Blizzard maps and that scaling causes our waypoint marker to be huge.
      Cabby, this post (quoted above) was made a couple of months ago. It's now August, 2013.

      You answered to me why it's so large on Carbonite maps. Thanks!

      Now, I have a question:
      How do I get it to show again?
      It is no longer visible on my Carbonite map (as it used to be). Maybe I changed a setting somewhere? If so, I don't find anything in the options related to setting it back to "on" again. Can you help me find it?

      Note: I have Zygor's "Travel System" turned on and in Carbonite, I have "Use Travel Routing" set to "on." -- It used to show the blob even when using these settings.


        I'm not sure what might have changed. Could be coding in Carbonite changed as Rythal works on cleaning up the code or it might just be something odd somewhere else.

        Try creating a brand new character that has default Carbonite settings and default guide settings and see if the dot is working on the Carbonite map then with stepping thru the guide to get the arrow to change around. If you can see the dot again with the default settings then it's something setting related that's keeping you from seeing it on your main. If you still can't see the dot with all default settings then it's probably something code related and you wouldn't be able to do anything to get it back.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Originally posted by cabby View Post
          .....Try creating a brand new character that has default Carbonite settings and default guide settings and see if the dot is working on the Carbonite map then with stepping thru the guide to get the arrow to change around. If you can see the dot again with the default settings then it's something setting related that's keeping you from seeing it on your main......
          Currently (as of Aug 15, 2013) it's impossible to do what you suggested. Rythal hasn't yet figured out a way to have the Carbonite "Profiles" work per-character. Therefore, my creating any new character will not have default settings applied to only that character. Carbonite now applies the same settings to all characters, simultaneously. Example: If I change some Carbonite setting on one of my characters, that setting is now applied to all of my characters. My only alternative would be to remove every aspect of the Carbonite addon everywhere on my HDD, and reinstall it then reconfigure it again. Not worth the effort. It still leaves me wondering why the green blob (Zygors) doesn't appear during questing for some characters, or even certain quests? To me, that smacks of Zygor, not Carbonite, since Carbonite is uniform throughout all my realm's characters. Maybe I'm wrong, or at least utterly confused. There must be a logical reason.


            I didn't know that Rythal has it changed on the profiles. Last time I really looked at Carbonite there were still profiles and you had to import them on a new character to get everything the same. I can only guess that the green blobs missing has something to do with how Carbonite replaces the Blizzard map.
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


              Thanks, Cabby. Your guess sounds logical to me. By the way, Rythal has reported lately that he is working on restoring the ability so save per-char profiles. If you care to, you find the topic thread under (General Discussion) on the Carbonite forum here:
              Link: Global profile or changing default options

              Thanks for replying!
              Last edited by kreelor; August 16, 2013, 06:18 AM.


                Kreelor, I am not at all an expert with regard to wow or addons, but does this globalised setting issue occur if you create a new character on a previously-unvisited realm/server?
                All these moments will be lost, in time, like tears in rain.


                  I can't answer you with certainty at the moment, but probably could if I tried creating a new char on a different realm, as you said.

                  However, as I understand it, the Carbonite addon (once it's installed and configured) is bound to my account 'saved variables' (Addons) and so are any optional settings I apply to it. Until the author (Rythal) fixes the "Profiles" section of his code so that individual Profiles can be shared with Alt chars, every character uses the lastest settings I've changed in the Carbonite "Options," etc. I hope this was clear enough.

                  EDITED: 10 minutes after posting the above.
                  Okay. I just created a new char on a new, previously unvisited realm. At the Character Selection screen the Addons button is there in the bottom-left corner of the display. Because Carbonite has already been added to the addons list, it will be recognized and used by default. I kinda' knew that before, but at least now I verified it. I opened the new char, looked at my Carbonite map, and everything is identical to each of my alt chars on all 3 other realms I have on. Note: The Zygor Viewer starts off with default settings, but at least it allows using Profiles-per-character. That's good.
                  Last edited by kreelor; August 18, 2013, 05:33 PM.

