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Does any of the guides cover this topic?

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    Does any of the guides cover this topic?

    I am trying to gain Justice Points for Heirlooms for leveling my alts faster, but I am not in a guild, nor do I PVP, and very rarely group with anyone. I am trying to find what my options to do such are but info seems hard to find. Thanks again, as always Zygor has saved me tons of time leveling.

    We do not currently have any guides that cover this that I can think of off the top of my head.

    Right now I would say the easiest way to get JP is to just run a lot of scenarios. Most scenarios will earn you VP as well as JP which are in the bag. While scenarios are a grouping thing they are normally fairly quick (about 20 minutes) and not too difficult to do. We do have the guides for the scenarios to help make them easier but once you do them a couple times it's almost like second nature and you don't even need the guides at that point. Also, running each of the scenarios on a Saturday will reward you with an achievement and the Scenaturdist title.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Also you can get the same heirlooms at the Darkmoon Faire and Argent Tournament.
      The Tournament however requires doing a lot of dailies as you need to go for the Crusader title to unlock the quartermaster there.
      Darkmoon Faire is a nice thing if you plan for the longer future (as it takes some time to get the Heirlooms if you don't do all the dailies there).
      The monthly profession quests at the Faire can be quickly done and in addition to the tickets you gain 5 profession points. So if you have some low level bank chars that you normally don't play just go to the Faire once a month.

