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Zygor Guide SIS Colours

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    Zygor Guide SIS Colours

    Been using the new guide for a while now but I am still getting confused when it skips ahead. I understand that the red highlighted text means "Stop and Do" and the blue highlight means "Skip", but what about the faint grey coloured highlight?

    The faint grey colour just confuses me as the guide tends to stop at a lot of quests with that colour. What does the colour mean and/or does it have any significance?

    Should I only be doing red highlighted stuff?

    Green = Completed
    Red = Possible, should do
    Blue = Obsolete, you can skip if you'd like
    Grey = Impossible, you cannot do this

    Is the guide stopping at steps where the ONLY goal(s) is/are grey, or are there other goals in the same step that ate red?

    Do you have the Skip Impossible Tasks option unchecked in the Dynamic Progress section of the ZygorGuidesViewer options menu?
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      Originally posted by Zygor View Post
      Green = Completed
      Do you have the Skip Impossible Tasks option unchecked in the Dynamic Progress section of the ZygorGuidesViewer options menu?
      YES i did. It's ticked now.
      Thanks for the help and the meanings of the colours.


        Keep in mind that you might stop at a step where turning in a quest is red and the next accept quest in the same step is grey. These will sometimes change from grey to red once you turn in the first quest because they're chains and the guide will mark the next quest in the chain as impossible until you complete the previous quest in the chain.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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