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    Can you do Dailies at level 73?
    Lightbringer Server
    [B]Zestina[/B]- [COLOR="Red"]Hunter [/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"][B]Lvl 96[/B][/COLOR]

    There are some that you can do in Borean Tundra and a few other areas at that level.
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      Level 70 opens up the Shattrath cooking and fishing dailies. It also opens up the island of daily quests (Isle of Quel'Danas). There are a couple of dailies there that will take you to Outland but most are on the Isle itself. You can run most of the Isle dailies in about an hour and pocket 50+ gold.

      Northrend dailies --
      Level 71 --
      Drake hunt in Coldarra
      The Way to His Heart in Howling Fjord for the walrus people (feed fish to a walrus bull and make him follow you).
      Steel gate patrol in Howling Fjord -- shoot down gargoyles
      Break The Blockade in Howling Fjord -- drop bombs on the pirate ships

      Level 72 --
      Preparing for the Worst -- collect picnic baskets in Borean Tundra for the walrus people.
      Planning for the future -- collect Wolvar pups in dragonblight for the walrus people.


        At first, in the dailies guide, only Northrend dailies will be included (except the Nether Drake Mount Guide, which is in Outland). We may add Outland dailies later on.
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          Oh please do. I know it wouldn't help me much because most of my characters are 80 but I would really like to go back and do them because about that time when they released that patch I was taking a break from wow and didn't get into the daily thing till northrend

          That and rep grinds too. I would really like to go back and get the patterens for my professions
          All using Zygors guide.

          LvL 84 Priest ` Healster ` Holy/Shadow
          LvL 84 Warrior ` Battlecry ` Prot/Arms
          LvL 85 Hunter ` Killshott ` Marksmanship
          LvL 85 Mage ` Trajan ` Arcane
          LvL 82 Warlock Pyroclasm ` Affli
          LvL 85 Druid ` Sangera ` Balance/Restor
          LvL 85 Paladin ` Ret/holy
          LvL 85 Shaman ` Reincarn ` Elem/Restor

