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Since 6.1 getting this error

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    Since 6.1 getting this error

    Pretty much everything I do is triggering this error, opening my bags, opening the map. Suggestions, please?

    Message: ...nterface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:391: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'statvalue' (a string value)
    Time: 12/16/16 14:48:01
    Count: 1
    Stack: ...nterface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:391: in function `GetItemScore'
    ...nterface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-AutoEquip.lua:69: in function `GetAutoEquipItemScore'
    ...nterface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-AutoEquip.lua:179: in function `ScanBagsForUpgrades'
    Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:100: in function `OnUpdate'
    Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:154: in function <Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:154>

    Locals: self = <table> {
    UsableHeirloomItem = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:643
    rules = <table> {
    GemMatchesSocket = <table> {
    possEquipSlots = <table> {
    InitGearFinderOptions = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1228
    ItemClassData = <table> {
    QuestItem = <table> {
    CanUseUniqueItem = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:207
    Keywords = <table> {
    GetItemSlot = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:842
    GetSocketWeight = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1073
    SC_BADSTAT = "bad stat"
    ShowHloomPopup = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:989
    GetItemInSlot = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:876
    CanEquipItem = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:530
    ScoreCursor = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:921
    GearFinder = <table> {
    ExportPawn = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1197
    GetItemStatsWithTooltip = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:733
    GemData = <table> {
    SC_NOTFORU = "not for you"
    ListSuggestedGems = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1059
    KeywordsPawnToRules = <table> {
    SetDualWield = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:156
    Gear_PawnToZygor = <table> {
    SC_BADSLOT = "bad slot"
    SC_NORULES = "no rules"
    SetFilters = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:125
    playerclassName = "Shaman"
    ClearCachedHeirlooms = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:701
    SC_OK = "scored ok"
    ProcScore = <table> {
    KeywordsZygorToPawn = <table> {
    curRuleSet = <table> {
    Events = <table> {
    ImportPawn = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1152
    GetItemScore = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:235
    CheckOutleveledHeirlooms = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:949
    GetCommonInvType = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:904
    __ItemCache = <table> {
    GetItemUniqueness = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:197
    AutoEquip = <table> {
    orgRuleSet = <table> {
    GetHeirloomMaxLevelBonus = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:605
    SC_NOTYET = "not ready"
    playerlevel = 110
    playerspecName = "Restoration"
    IsFishingPole = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:691
    SC_BADITEM = "bad item"
    playerspec = 3
    playerclass = "SHAMAN"
    Items = "data moved to ZGV.ItemScore.GearFinder.items_in_guides"
    SC_BADPARAM = "bad param"
    Debug = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:917
    GetBestGemPerIlvl = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1034
    ScoreGem = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:101

    Try exiting the game and on the desktop client use the wrench icon to reinstall the guides so you can get all fresh files.
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      I deleted the directory and when I went back there was a different version of the guides out there. seems to be fixed. Thanks.


        I have 6.1.15114 and getting the errors. I have logged out and reinstalled via the wrench on the client. Started happening when I grouped with people for WQ's.

        29x ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:391: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'statvalue' (a string value)
        ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:391: in function `GetItemScore'
        ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-AutoEquip.lua:69: in function `GetAutoEquipItemScore'
        ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-AutoEquip.lua:436: in function `ScoreCurrentEquippedItems'
        ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:35: in function `OnEvent'
        ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:153: in function <ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:153>

        self = <table> {
        UsableHeirloomItem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:643
        rules = <table> {
        GemMatchesSocket = <table> {
        possEquipSlots = <table> {
        InitGearFinderOptions = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1228
        ItemClassData = <table> {
        QuestItem = <table> {
        CanUseUniqueItem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:207
        Keywords = <table> {
        GetItemSlot = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:842
        GetSocketWeight = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1073
        SC_BADSTAT = "bad stat"
        ShowHloomPopup = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:989
        GetItemInSlot = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:876
        CanEquipItem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:530
        ScoreCursor = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:921
        GearFinder = <table> {
        ExportPawn = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1197
        GetItemStatsWithTooltip = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:733
        GemData = <table> {
        SC_NOTFORU = "not for you"
        ListSuggestedGems = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1059
        KeywordsPawnToRules = <table> {
        SetDualWield = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:156
        Gear_PawnToZygor = <table> {
        SC_BADSLOT = "bad slot"
        SC_NORULES = "no rules"
        SetFilters = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:125
        playerclassName = "Mage"
        ClearCachedHeirlooms = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:701
        SC_OK = "scored ok"
        ProcScore = <table> {
        KeywordsZygorToPawn = <table> {
        curRuleSet = <table> {
        Events = <table> {
        ImportPawn = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1152
        GetItemScore = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:235
        CheckOutleveledHeirlooms = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:949
        GetCommonInvType = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:904
        __ItemCache = <table> {
        GetItemUniqueness = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:197
        AutoEquip = <table> {
        orgRuleSet = <table> {
        GetHeirloomMaxLevelBonus = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:605
        SC_NOTYET = "not ready"
        playerlevel = 110
        playerspecName = "Fire"
        IsFishingPole = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:691
        SC_BADITEM = "bad item"
        playerspec = 2
        playerclass = "MAGE"
        Items = "data moved to ZGV.ItemScore.GearFinder.items_in_guides"
        SC_BADPARAM = "bad param"
        Debug = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:917
        GetBestGemPerIlvl = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1034
        ScoreGem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1019
        SC_LOWLEVEL = "low level"
        Defaults = <table> {
        HeirloomNoExpBonusSlot = <table> {
        IsGoodEquipSlot = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:178
        FixedLevelHeirloom = <table> {
        SC_LEVELREQ = "level req"
        Logs = <table> {
        Gear_ZygorToPawn = <table> {
        ScoreItemStats = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:416
        HeirloomBonuses = <table> {
        itemlink = "|cffff8000|Hitem:132863::::::::110:63:::2:1811:34 58:::|h[Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem]|h|r"
        invslot = nil
        allowbad = nil
        verbose = nil
        rule = <table> {
        itemtypes = <table> {
        sockets = <table> {
        stats = <table> {
        subScore = 41807.82
        code = nil
        reason = nil
        value = 41807.82
        item = <table> {
        debug = <table> {
        stats = <table> {
        Last edited by Retsah; December 16, 2016, 02:38 PM. Reason: To add when I saw it start happening.


          Try doing a full guide wipe/reset.

          1. exit WoW
          2. go to the WoW/Interface/Addons folder and delete the ZygorGuidesViewer folder
          3. go to the WoW/WTF/Account/<accountname>/SavedVariables folder and delete the Zygor files in there
          4. run the desktop client and install a fresh copy of the guides
          5. go back in game to test and let me know if that fixed it
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            That seems to have fixed it.


              The error goes away for a while but returns. I did all the steps listed above and it worked until I logged off that toon and when I logged back on the error was back. It does seem to only be on one toon at the moment, but I did have it on multiple ones before. Any thoughts?


                Mine is back this morning too. Any time I get a new item or remove an item from my bags it pops up.

                12x ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:391: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'statvalue' (a string value)
                ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:391: in function `GetItemScore'
                ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-AutoEquip.lua:69: in function `GetAutoEquipItemScore'
                ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-AutoEquip.lua:436: in function `ScoreCurrentEquippedItems'
                ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:51: in function `OnEvent'
                ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:153: in function <ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-Events.lua:153>

                self = <table> {
                UsableHeirloomItem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:643
                rules = <table> {
                GemMatchesSocket = <table> {
                possEquipSlots = <table> {
                InitGearFinderOptions = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1228
                ItemClassData = <table> {
                QuestItem = <table> {
                CanUseUniqueItem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:207
                Keywords = <table> {
                GetItemSlot = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:842
                GetSocketWeight = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1073
                SC_BADSTAT = "bad stat"
                ShowHloomPopup = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:989
                GetItemInSlot = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:876
                CanEquipItem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:530
                ScoreCursor = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:921
                GearFinder = <table> {
                ExportPawn = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1197
                GetItemStatsWithTooltip = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:733
                GemData = <table> {
                SC_NOTFORU = "not for you"
                ListSuggestedGems = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1059
                KeywordsPawnToRules = <table> {
                SetDualWield = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:156
                Gear_PawnToZygor = <table> {
                SC_BADSLOT = "bad slot"
                SC_NORULES = "no rules"
                SetFilters = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:125
                playerclassName = "Mage"
                ClearCachedHeirlooms = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:701
                SC_OK = "scored ok"
                ProcScore = <table> {
                KeywordsZygorToPawn = <table> {
                curRuleSet = <table> {
                Events = <table> {
                ImportPawn = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1152
                GetItemScore = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:235
                CheckOutleveledHeirlooms = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:949
                GetCommonInvType = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:904
                __ItemCache = <table> {
                GetItemUniqueness = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:197
                AutoEquip = <table> {
                orgRuleSet = <table> {
                GetHeirloomMaxLevelBonus = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:605
                SC_NOTYET = "not ready"
                playerlevel = 110
                playerspecName = "Fire"
                IsFishingPole = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:691
                SC_BADITEM = "bad item"
                playerspec = 2
                playerclass = "MAGE"
                Items = "data moved to ZGV.ItemScore.GearFinder.items_in_guides"
                SC_BADPARAM = "bad param"
                Debug = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:917
                GetBestGemPerIlvl = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1034
                ScoreGem = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:1019
                SC_LOWLEVEL = "low level"
                Defaults = <table> {
                HeirloomNoExpBonusSlot = <table> {
                IsGoodEquipSlot = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:178
                FixedLevelHeirloom = <table> {
                SC_LEVELREQ = "level req"
                Logs = <table> {
                Gear_ZygorToPawn = <table> {
                ScoreItemStats = <function> defined @ZygorGuidesViewer\Item-ItemScore.lua:416
                HeirloomBonuses = <table> {
                itemlink = "|cffff8000|Hitem:132863::::::::110:63:::2:1811:34 58:::|h[Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem]|h|r"
                invslot = nil
                allowbad = nil
                verbose = nil
                rule = <table> {
                itemtypes = <table> {
                sockets = <table> {
                stats = <table> {
                subScore = 41807.82
                code = nil
                reason = nil
                value = 41807.82
                item = <table> {
                debug = <table> {
                stats = <table> {
                Last edited by Retsah; December 17, 2016, 10:11 AM.


                  Hmm, we had a bug recently with caged pets in the bags giving a problem, maybe that bug is back. Do either of you have a caged pet in your bags when you get this error? When you get a new item and this bug appears try putting everything in your bags into the bank and then pull that one item that triggered the error out of the bank and into your bags again to see if the error pops up again. Might be a common item in the bag causing the error to show up.
                  Become a Fan of Zygor Guides on Facebook:

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                    The item that seems to be doing it for me is Marfisi's Giant Censer. Once I put it in the bank I stopped getting the message and once I put it back in the bag it was back. Hope that is the only item.


                      Glad it was just one item. That should help to start narrowing down what is causing the errors for other people so we can get it fixed.
                      Become a Fan of Zygor Guides on Facebook:

                      Follow Zygor Guides on Twitter:


                        Getting the same ItemScore error. Occurring on all my characters, no pets in bags, all extra gear in the bank. This error started with 6.1.


                          Try putting all gear and bag items into the bank so you're naked and empty bags and then bring them back from the bank to your bag. One item should trigger the error (possibly a unique-equipped item). When you find the item that triggers the error please let us know which item it was for you.
                          Become a Fan of Zygor Guides on Facebook:

                          Follow Zygor Guides on Twitter:


                            Same problem for me.

                            My problem appears when I equip either of these two items

                            • Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem [item=132863]
                            • Stabilized Energy Pendant [item=134488]

                            They can be in my bag, just can't equip them or the error resurfaces.


                              Issue has been fixed with yesterday's build. Thank you Zygor team!

