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In-Game Dual Spec Talent Build Guides

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    In-Game Dual Spec Talent Build Guides

    I've had the Alliance guide a while and have had no trouble with it at all. Quite the opposite. Today, to take advantage of the discount, I added the Horde guide. There have been two e-mails, that I am aware of newsletter subscribers having received. The most recent, I received on March 22. In it, was:
    * Bonus 2: In-Game Dual Spec Talent Build Guides
    We now include Primary and Secondary specs for both Levelling and PVP.
    This is only available for a limited time. So if you want to get your
    hands on this, you need to buy now!

    It might be worth mentioning that my characters concerned have paid the gold for their secondary specs (where possible), but none of them have activated those / placed any points in the trees of those secondary specs.

    Theoretical Character 1: Lv 80 (No Levelling)
    - (1) Would the primary spec, assuming all points have been spent, still have advice markings?
    - (2) How does the secondary spec know what I want from it (levelling / PvP)?
    - (3) How do I choose to have the Talent Build Guide allocate points, into a second spec, with PvP in mind?

    Theoretical Character 2: Lv 64 (Levelling)
    - (4) How do I choose to have the Talent Build Guide allocate points into two trees at the same time, but for separate purposes (the primary for levelling and the secondary for PvP)?

    All Characters
    - (5) How do the Talent Build Guides keep up to date with accepted theory and how often are they updated to reflect that theory (both in levelling and in PvP)?

    I think it just means that when you use the talent adviser you can pick either lvling or pvp for my dual specs though I have always had to manually switch it if I wanted to look at the other set.

    Also I have noticed that on an 80 with all the points already spent your talent trees will not show the zygor info until you reset your talents.

