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Guide is up to date, but keeps telling me in game its not and wont load guides.

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    Guide is up to date, but keeps telling me in game its not and wont load guides.

    Title says it all. Says subsrciption expired.
    Last edited by whobdobub; January 19, 2021, 03:46 PM.

    I Hope there is a fix that doesnt involve deleting wtf or messing saved setting in zygor the last time it took me over 12 hours to set every toon ( 400 toons) back to the right settings.


      Please try the following and see if it resolves the issue:

      1. Exit out of the game completely.
      2. Open the Zygor Guides Client. Click on "WoW Guide Content" to select it, then click the Repair button.
      3. When it finishes repairing, go back in the game and see if the issue is resolved.


        OKAY, here is what I did the repair wouldnt work.

        So i logged out of zygors, and logged back in. Then did a repair and it worked. thanks
        Last edited by whobdobub; January 19, 2021, 04:18 PM.

