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Is it intentional to half-finish/not hand in quests? Should I be abandoning them? TBC

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    Is it intentional to half-finish/not hand in quests? Should I be abandoning them? TBC


    I'm new to WoW in general and using Zygor to help me navigate.

    I'm having one weird thing where Zygor is telling me to pick up all these quests and, at certain points, do some of the steps?

    For example, in The Barrens guide which I have just finished. It tells me to pick up Stolen Beauty and Chen's Empty Keg. It does all the steps for Stolen Booty but doesn't have a step to hand in this quest. For Chen's Empty Keg, it doesn't even finish the quest, getting me to skip the Thunder Lizard Horn step.

    I'm unsure if this is intentional or not and, if it is, should I be abandoning these quests? Quest clean up doesn't seem to be doing anything so I've been manually abandoning long left quests and I'm worried this is going to bite me later on.

    Thank you for any assistance you can offer

    There are times when it will hold onto a completed quest to turn in after you level to help give a bit of an xp boost into that next level. Currently the quest cleanup for TBC is broken and we are working on getting that fixed. You should only have to worry about abandoning things if you are not able to accept any of the quests that the guide tells you to pick up.
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      Originally posted by ZG Support 1 View Post
      There are times when it will hold onto a completed quest to turn in after you level to help give a bit of an xp boost into that next level. Currently the quest cleanup for TBC is broken and we are working on getting that fixed. You should only have to worry about abandoning things if you are not able to accept any of the quests that the guide tells you to pick up.
      ah okay - thank you so much for confirming

