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Adding spellcast to the kill action button?

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    Adding spellcast to the kill action button?

    Like the title says, is it possible to add a spellcast to the action button? Ofcourse i can edit the macro myself and add a /cast, but it regenerates the macro's again without it on the next steps ofcourse.

    It would be very usefull if at a kill action it will select, mark and you can choose a spell it should try to cast for easier and faster tagger of specific mobs you need. I couldnt find any feature to add custom code after every macro zygor guides create, is this possible ?

    We don't have any features/options that would allow for easy modification of the macros used for the action buttons. Not sure if adding something like that would be possible to do since the macro used changes from step to step. By that I mean it could be macro 1 or macro 3 being used for an NPC targeting action button depending on the step and what actions are needed for the step.
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      It might be a nice idea for example to have a box in the zygor settings where u can write different macro code in for each "action type", which gets paste below the macro generated by zygor. So for a kill/target action you can add a /cast ### and maybe other people will also find uses for it for the other actions.

      From a programmers perspective this shouldnt be too hard.

