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Cant accept quest in Nagrand while doing Loremaster

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    Cant accept quest in Nagrand while doing Loremaster

    I have been completing Loremaster and came to Nagrand to start on that incomplete quest chain, however I cannot see quests from NPC Warden Bullrok, The quest "Proving your strength" isn't available and the NPC isn't friendly or hostile.. all my preceding quest chains for Loremaster Outland have been completed but I'm wondering if I've missed something..

    Edit: My guess is that the toon I am questing on wasn't the toon that completed the beginning Outland quest chains, and therefore didn't have certain aspects "unlocked" once I redo the quest chains I will know for sure and leave feedback

    Edit: I am Horde and needed to complete "The Assassin" questline in Hellfire before I could gain access to him.
    Last edited by frayman2000; March 3, 2022, 06:48 PM.

    You are mostly correct with your guess. It is that you didn't build up the needed reputation with the previous zone guides.
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