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Frost Oil

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    Frost Oil

    I need a Frost Oil and can't find it at an auctioneer. I have been on the trade channels but still can't find one. Can someome please make one for me.

    Ducky, there may be people willing to do this for you but without info on your character (at the very least the server you play on), you aren't likely to get any responses.


      Frost Oil -- only one vendor sells the recipe for that and he's a pain to get to. It's up in Alterac Mountains, on the ramparts, inside the abandoned fort the ogres took over.


      There have been items I've wanted in the past and no one had the recipe (a scope for my hunter's rifle comes to mind) so I went to the vendor and bought a couple of copies of the plans. Parked myself in Stormwind then spammed trade chat every 10 minutes with:
      LF <tradeskill> to craft item-x, my mats plus tip or my mats plus plans, your choice.

      However, if you're Alliance on Windrunner, look up my DK Mortak. He's an alchemist and I do have the recipe.

