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Completionist guide?

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    Completionist guide?

    Have you guys ever considered doing some kind of guide that will basically walk us through all of those glorious things that we want to do at once? I tend to not use the guides during the leveling of my first character during an expansion, but subsequent alts.....? Of course!

    Take Draenor for example. Instead of having a guide that just walks you through the quests, maybe this one would also tie in with the treasures that you need to find as well as the rares that need to be killed. Perhaps it could even walk you through the zone achievements that you don't have yet.

    It's just an idea. I've been using your addon for quite a while now and began back when they needed to be purchased separately. I've always thought it would be neat to just be able to do everything while I was leveling rather than having to switch through guides or manually search the map.

    It is something that has been suggested in the past but I do not know if it is something that will be done.
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