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Unexpected behavior

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    Unexpected behavior

    So i'm starting to use the guides on a toon that is at lvl 49.

    I told it to skip forward and it landing on some quests that were in the low forties. So after completing those quest (mainly stranglethron quests), the guide had me fly to feathermoon strong hold. And told me to pickup 2 quests. I went to the NPCs and there were no quests for me to pickup.

    After checking with EveryQuest mod, it showed that I had already completed the quests that the zygor addon wanted me to get. So I back tracked a few steps and told it to skip forward and it still landed on the step to get a quest I already did. So then I did a /script ReloadUI(); and then when zygor addon loaded the guide, it showed that I had completed those steps (accepting the quests).

    So I am assuming I'm doing something wrong here.

    So I'm following the guide to catch me up on lower level quests (maybe for some chain quests later) and I'm progressing through the steps. Then I come to a step that tells me to go here and get this quest and I've already completed it, I would expect the guide to skip that step to another step that I would really need to do.


    Btw... I still love the addon.. great work.

    Please post specific examples of quests you were told to pick up that you already did, including a bug report for the step. Thank you.
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      Started Guide at level 48

      The guide had me finish off a few quests that I had and took me through a few more in Stranglethorn Vale... then it sends me to...

      Level 45 Step 9. Fly to Feathermoon
      Step 10. Goto 30,42 => Talk to Pratt McGrubben => Get Quest 'The Mark of Quality' (Didn't have quest yet.. so Accepted it)
      Step 11. Make Feathermoon your home location
      Step 12. Goto 30,46 => Talk to Shandris Feathermoon => Get Quest 'The Ruins of Solarsal' (Already completed it) => Talk to Latronicus Moonspear => Get Quest 'The Missing Courier' (part 1). (Already Completed it)


        Zygor Guides Viewer v2.0.1005

        Guide: "Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (45-50)"
        Step: 12
        map: Feralas
        level: 45
        (completed: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: YES)
        1. <Go to 30,46>
        action: goto
        status: passive
        L: true
        map: Feralas 30.3,46.2 +/- 0.2
        (not completeable)
        Status: passive
        2. . <Talk to Shandris Feathermoon>
        action: talk
        tooltip: In the long building, standing on the balcony.
        npc: Shandris Feathermoon
        npcid: 3936
        status: passive
        L: true
        (not completeable)
        Status: passive
        3. . . <Accept `The Ruins of Solarsal'>
        action: accept
        L: true
        status: complete
        quest: "The Ruins of Solarsal" ##2866 (no goal) - quest not in log (id: completed)
        (complete: YES, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: YES)
        Status: complete
        4. . <Talk to Latronicus Moonspear>
        action: talk
        tooltip: In the long building, standing on the balcony.
        npc: Latronicus Moonspear
        npcid: 7877
        status: passive
        L: true
        (not completeable)
        Status: passive
        5. . . <Accept `The Missing Courier' (part 1)>
        questpart: 1
        action: accept
        status: complete
        L: true
        quest: "The Missing Courier" ##4124 (no goal) - quest not in log (id: completed)
        (complete: YES, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: YES)
        Status: complete

        --- Player information ---
        Race: Human Class: MAGE Level: 48
        Position: realzone:'Feralas' x:30.9729,y:43.3864 (zone:'Feralas' subzone:'Feathermoon Stronghold' minimapzone:'Feathermoon Stronghold')

        -- Cached quest log --
        "Rescue OOX-22/FE!" ##2767 [45] (index=2, complete):
        "Escort OOX-22/FE to safety" (event; "Escort OOX-22/FE to safety" 0/1)
        "The Mark of Quality" ##2821 [46] (index=3, complete):
        "Thick Yeti Hide: 10/10" (item; "Thick Yeti Hide" 10/10)
        "Freedom for All Creatures" ##2969 [47] (index=4, complete):
        "Save at least 6 Sprite Darters from capture" (event; "Save at least 6 Sprite Darters from capture" 0/1)
        "Mazen's Behest" ##1364 [41] (index=6, incomplete):
        "Khadgar's Essays on Dimensional Convergence: 0/1" (item; "Khadgar's Essays on Dimensional Convergence" 0/1)
        "In Search of The Temple" ##1448 [43] (index=7, incomplete):
        "Search for the Temple of Atal'Hakkar" (event; "Search for the Temple of Atal'Hakkar" 0/1)
        "Magical Analysis" ##602 [37] (index=9, complete):
        "Bring the water elemental bracers to Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver in Dalaran Crater." (log; "Bring the water elemental bracers to Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver in Dalaran Crater." 0/1)
        "Big Game Hunter" ##208 [43] (index=10, incomplete):
        "Head of Bangalash: 0/1" (item; "Head of Bangalash" 0/1)
        "Cortello's Riddle" ##624 [43] (index=11, incomplete):
        "Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog" ##580 [50] (index=12, incomplete):
        "Pupellyverbos Port: 0/12" (item; "Pupellyverbos Port" 0/12)
        "Screecher Spirits" ##3520 [44] (index=14, complete):
        "Screecher Spirits Collected: 3/3" (monster; "Screecher Spirits Collected" 3/3)
        "Tabetha's Task" ##2861 [46] (index=16, incomplete):

        -- Cached quest log, by ID --
        #624: Cortello's Riddle
        #2821: The Mark of Quality
        #1448: In Search of The Temple
        #602: Magical Analysis
        #208: Big Game Hunter
        #580: Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog
        #2861: Tabetha's Task
        #1364: Mazen's Behest
        #2969: Freedom for All Creatures
        #2767: Rescue OOX-22/FE!
        #3520: Screecher Spirits

        -- Items --
        Bag of Water Elemental Bracers ##3960 x1
        Bloodstained Journal ##7668 x1
        Bobbing Apple ##20516 x2
        Bottle of Zombie Juice ##1451 x1
        Coin of Ancestry ##21100 x1
        Crushing Maul ##4022 x1
        Enchanted Mageweave Pouch ##22246 x1
        Forked Tongue ##6444 x2
        Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining ##11203 x1
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 1 ##2725 x1
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 10 ##2734 x1
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 11 ##2735 x4
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 14 ##2738 x3
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 20 ##2744 x1
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 21 ##2745 x3
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 24 ##2748 x1
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 25 ##2749 x2
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 26 ##2750 x2
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 4 ##2728 x2
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 6 ##2730 x3
        Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 8 ##2732 x1
        Hallowed Wand - Bat ##20410 x1
        Hearthstone ##6948 x1
        Jungle Remedy ##2633 x4
        Large Fang ##5637 x1
        Library Scrip ##3898 x1
        Light Feather ##17056 x13
        Light Feather ##17056 x20
        Mageweave Cloth ##4338 x20
        Rune of Portals ##17032 x10
        Rune of Portals ##17032 x5
        Rune of Teleportation ##17031 x15
        Silk Cloth ##4306 x17
        Silk Cloth ##4306 x20
        Thick Leather Bracers ##3963 x1
        Thick Yeti Hide ##8973 x10
        Tiger Meat ##12202 x6
        Un'Goro Soil ##11018 x21
        Yeh'kinya's Bramble ##10699 x1

        -- Buffs/debuffs --
        Well Fed ("Interface\Icons\Spell_Misc_Food")

        -- Pet action bar --

        -- Flight Paths --
        1 , 2 , Moonglade , Mudsprocket , Auberdine , Ratchet , Aerie Peak , Booty Bay , Lakeshire , Thalanaar , Stonetalon Peak , Talrendis Point , Rut'theran Village , Chillwind Camp , Nijel's Point , Theramore , Shattered Sun Staging Area , Gadgetzan , Darkshire , Nethergarde Keep , Menethil Harbor , Thelsamar , Refuge Pointe , Forest Song , Stormwind , Ironforge , Sentinel Hill , Astranaar , Rebel Camp , Feathermoon , Southshore

        -- Options --
        backopacity = 0.3
        goalupdateflash = true
        resizeup = true
        minimapnotedesc = true
        levelsahead = 0
        goalbackgrounds = true
        arrowfontsize = 10
        autoaccept = false
        goalbackprogressing =
        skin = violet
        hideincombat = false
        goalbackincomplete =
        arrowfreeze = false
        goalicons = true
        fontsecsize = 10
        showmapbutton = true
        debug = false
        skincolors =
        goalcompletionflash = true
        fixblizzardautoaccept = false
        minicons = true
        arrowscale = 1
        waypointaddon = internal
        trackchains = true
        flipsounds = true
        fullheight = 110.0000058813
        showobsolete = true
        goalcolorize = false
        goalbackobsolete =
        stepnumbers = true
        arrowsmooth = true
        colorborder = true
        goalbackaux =
        showallsteps = false
        skipobsolete = true
        completesound = MapPing
        skipimpossible = true
        arrowmeters = false
        goalbackcomplete =
        autoturnin = false
        fontsize = 10
        flashborder = true
        skipauxsteps = true
        iconAlpha = 1
        foglight = true
        arrowposx = 1504.9994144001
        showcountsteps = 1
        iconScale = 0.5
        guidesinhistory = 5
        goalbackimpossible =
        tooltipsbelow = true
        arrowcam = false
        arrowcolordir = true
        visible = true
        framescale = 1
        minimapzoom = false
        filternotes = true
        hideborder = true
        contractmobs = true
        arrowposy = 134.99999528128
        opacitymain = 1
        goalbackprogress = false


          -- Log --
          00:53:16> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
          00:53:17> SkipStep -1
          00:53:17> LastSkip -1
          00:53:17> FocusStep 13 (quiet)
          00:53:17> FocusStep 13
          00:53:17> Translated: accept/turnin In Search of Knowledge
          00:53:17> Translated: accept/turnin The High Wilderness
          00:53:17> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 31.8 45.6 Troyas Moonbreeze nil
          00:53:17> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 31.8 45.6 Troyas Moonbreeze
          00:53:17> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
          00:53:18> SkipStep -1
          00:53:18> LastSkip -1
          00:53:18> FocusStep 12 (quiet)
          00:53:18> FocusStep 12
          00:53:18> Translated: accept/turnin The Ruins of Solarsal
          00:53:18> Translated: accept/turnin The Missing Courier
          00:53:18> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon nil
          00:53:18> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon
          00:53:18> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
          00:53:19> SkipStep -1
          00:53:19> LastSkip -1
          00:53:19> FocusStep 11 (quiet)
          00:53:19> FocusStep 11
          00:53:19> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
          00:53:21> SkipStep -1
          00:53:21> LastSkip -1
          00:53:21> FocusStep 10 (quiet)
          00:53:21> FocusStep 10
          00:53:21> Translated: accept/turnin The Mark of Quality
          00:53:21> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.6 42.7 Pratt McGrubben nil
          00:53:21> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.6 42.7 Pratt McGrubben
          00:53:21> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
          00:53:29> SkipStep 1
          00:53:29> LastSkip 1
          00:53:29> FocusStep 11 (quiet)
          00:53:29> FocusStep 11
          00:53:30> SkipStep 1
          00:53:30> LastSkip 1
          00:53:30> FocusStep 12 (quiet)
          00:53:30> FocusStep 12
          00:53:30> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon nil
          00:53:30> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon
          00:54:17> SkipStep -1
          00:54:17> LastSkip -1
          00:54:17> FocusStep 11 (quiet)
          00:54:17> FocusStep 11
          00:54:17> SkipStep -1
          00:54:17> LastSkip -1
          00:54:17> FocusStep 10 (quiet)
          00:54:17> FocusStep 10
          00:54:17> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.6 42.7 Pratt McGrubben nil
          00:54:17> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.6 42.7 Pratt McGrubben
          00:54:19> SkipStep -1
          00:54:19> LastSkip -1
          00:54:19> FocusStep 9 (quiet)
          00:54:19> FocusStep 9
          00:54:19> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
          00:55:15> SkipStep 1
          00:55:15> LastSkip 1
          00:55:15> FocusStep 10 (quiet)
          00:55:15> FocusStep 10
          00:55:15> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.6 42.7 Pratt McGrubben nil
          00:55:15> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.6 42.7 Pratt McGrubben
          00:56:44> SkipStep 1
          00:56:44> LastSkip 1
          00:56:44> FocusStep 11 (quiet)
          00:56:44> FocusStep 11
          00:57:09> SkipStep 1
          00:57:09> LastSkip 1
          00:57:09> FocusStep 12 (quiet)
          00:57:09> FocusStep 12
          00:57:09> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon nil
          00:57:09> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon
          01:00:42> Viewer started. ---------------------------
          01:00:43> CacheQuestLog cached 11 quests
          01:00:43> New Quest: Rescue OOX-22/FE! id 2767
          01:00:43> New Quest: The Mark of Quality id 2821
          01:00:43> New Quest: Freedom for All Creatures id 2969
          01:00:43> New Quest: Mazen's Behest id 1364
          01:00:43> New Quest: In Search of The Temple id 1448
          01:00:43> New Quest: Magical Analysis id 602
          01:00:43> New Quest: Big Game Hunter id 208
          01:00:43> New Quest: Cortello's Riddle id 624
          01:00:43> New Quest: Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog id 580
          01:00:43> New Quest: Screecher Spirits id 3520
          01:00:43> New Quest: Tabetha's Task id 2861
          01:00:43> Got completed quests list
          01:00:43> CacheQuestLog cached 11 quests
          01:00:49> Guides loaded. -----
          01:00:49> SetGuide Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (45-50) (12
          01:00:49> Guide loaded: Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (45-50)
          01:00:49> FocusStep 12
          01:00:49> Translated: accept/turnin The Ruins of Solarsal
          01:00:49> Translated: accept/turnin The Missing Courier
          01:00:49> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon nil
          01:00:49> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon
          01:00:49> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
          01:00:50> registered icons
          01:00:50> Internal SetWaypoint: Feralas 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon nil
          01:00:50> Internal SetWaypoint: 1 11 30.3 46.2 Shandris Feathermoon


            The step that had 2 quests you already completed should have automatically skipped forward. The only reason it would have shown you this step without skipping is if you were manually moving around in the guide using the up and down arrows. When you got to that step those objectives should have been checked off and had green backgrounds.
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              You are correct.. it should have. But it didn't. Hence unexpected behavior.

              I wasn't navigating around in the steps.. I was progressing with the Guide and when the guide's next step was for me to grab those quests, they were not with a green background but red.


                Hmm, did the instructions to accept those quests STAY incomplete because sometimes the WoW server fails to respond correctly and it takes a few seconds to query the server again.

                What's even more strange is that the debug log shows that those quests were displayed as complete:

                3. . . <Accept `The Ruins of Solarsal'>
                action: accept
                L: true
                status: complete
                quest: "The Ruins of Solarsal" ##2866 (no goal) - quest not in log (id: completed)
                (complete: YES, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: YES)
                Status: complete
                5. . . <Accept `The Missing Courier' (part 1)>
                questpart: 1
                action: accept
                status: complete
                L: true
                quest: "The Missing Courier" ##4124 (no goal) - quest not in log (id: completed)
                (complete: YES, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: YES)
                Status: complete

                This would indicate that at the time of generating this report these lines would definitely be displayed green. When you go back to that step is it red even if you wait for a minute? If so, can you please take a screenshot and post it here.
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                  So after that happen and trying to fix the issue, I reloaded my ui (/script ReloadUI() ) and the quests appeared completed (accepted)

