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Problems with new downloader

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    Problems with new downloader

    I recently bought the alliance dailies guide and with it came a new downloader that you have to sign on to with your email for zygor guides. Every time i try to download the newest version of the guide it will start the download and kicks off after about 2 seconds has anyone else encountered this problemj and if so how did you fix it?

    Repair problems as well

    I just hit the repair button on the new downloader and have now lost my lvling guide now...Im very sad i love this guide alot and really want it back


      Originally posted by grim_outlook2001 View Post
      I just hit the repair button on the new downloader and have now lost my lvling guide now...Im very sad i love this guide alot and really want it back
      Just wondering. Have you deleted all the ZygorGuidesViewer Folder in the AddOn folder and a file named "ZygorGuides_Updater" I would delete. I would do that then redownloaded and reinstalled the Guide? That should take care of your problem.

      Hope this helps.


        ty for your help, unfortunastely i have already tried this preocees. I did however fish througm my recycle bin and was able to get my old installer and restore the lvling guide part. Do u know if there is a manual way to install the dailies guide?


          Instructions for manual install: http://www.zygorguides.com/help/manual.php

          There have been some people with various errors with the client having connection issues. Have you made sure that you're running the client as an administrator?
          My Flight Path Follies guide

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            Would be interested to know who you sent your concerns to as that type of response is not typical of any of the Zygor staff. Since this is your first post we can only assume you sent it to an email.

            If you in fact actually read the forums and participated here you'd realize that your description of Zygor is way off base and this just sounds more like a post from someone who is still holding a grudge over the whole TourGuide issue from a few months ago.
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

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              Originally posted by cabby View Post
              Would be interested to know who you sent your concerns to as that type of response is not typical of any of the Zygor staff. Since this is your first post we can only assume you sent it to an email.

              If you in fact actually read the forums and participated here you'd realize that your description of Zygor is way off base and this just sounds more like a post from someone who is still holding a grudge over the whole TourGuide issue from a few months ago.
              Could you explain to me how I would have a grudge over anything you just said. Why would I have an issue, let alone a grudge. I have the other mails. I could post them here, but you are sounding a little rediculous, when I send in information via the website to make Zygor better, and I'm told how much I didn't spend, as if that had anything to do with the problem. I just expect things to work correctly. No grudges, I paid for it. It's like a car, when the car doesn't work, you tell the service manager, and he doesn't explain to you how stupid you are, or anything to that effect, he doesn't try to tell you how much you paid for the car, so maybe you need to work on customer service, as I said, you won't get any more replies from me on this issue, and I don't expect any more remarks from you, I tried to be a good user of Zygor, turn in the problems.....and this is what I continue to get.


                My original reply was simply stating that what you claimed you were getting as responses from the Zygor staff sound completely out of character. If you read my response again you'll notice I said it sounds like someone holding a grudge simply because that was the impression I received from your first post (the last few sentences). I was also stating a curiosity of who you had been in contact with because if it wasn't an official Zygor staff you could have easily been mislead with the emails.
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

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                  Hello donlok,

                  When speaking through text, it's hard to understand the meaning behind the post sometimes. What cabby was asking, was who did you contact and do you have e-mails to back up the statements? A lot of the Zygor Guide users have had a lot of great experiences with our customer service. The official staff: ZGDev, ZG Support, and Zygor all behave in an extremely professional manner as they are the founders of this company.

                  They greatly appreciate any feedback or reports of errors submitted. Cabby was trying to confirm the e-mails that you contacted as they may not be an official e-mail from our team. It would really help benefit us if you could post the errors in the public forum, so the entire community can see and we can assist you in any way/shape/form. We can help you install the guides, get past pesky bugs, etc, but it's hard when you attempt to e-mail just one being. The forums are here for your support 24/7/365 and we have very dedicated members, not even including our moderation team.

                  When you purchase products, they are bound to have quirks/bugs, especially with the World of Warcraft addons. The development team is dedicated to fixing these, night or day, for the users to ensure you have a quality product. Most of our users have a working guide that can get them 1-80 in 7 days or less /played'ed time, so if you can just inform us of what your situation is, we can help.

                  On a side note, I deleted the new thread you started as you posted it again here, and I edited your post here as we can see what cabby had said just above your response. I apologize for any inconvience you may have had, but please, allow for our forum community to guide you to obtaining the quality guide you had purchased and if you're still interested, posting bugs to help make this product 150% better. Thank you.

                  Best regards,
                  It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


                    We understand what you’re saying and are working on a solution. No one till now has ever had a problem with it though and our community forums are always open to help people find where to go. Our leveling guide does not cost $135 though.

                    - Zygor Support -


                      That statement is accurate, the leveling guide does not cost $135. Normally the leveling guide is $50 per faction which only adds up to $100 for both leveling guides, this is if you don't purchase them during a special sale. Now if you also decided to buy both of the Dailies guides, which are not the leveling guides, for the special $35 price then the total for all the guides would be $135. There might have been a slight misunderstanding within the emails if you only stated that you bought the leveling guides for $135 instead of saying you bought all available guides for $135.
                      My Flight Path Follies guide

                      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                        Originally posted by cabby View Post
                        That statement is accurate, the leveling guide does not cost $135. Normally the leveling guide is $50 per faction which only adds up to $100 for both leveling guides, this is if you don't purchase them during a special sale. Now if you also decided to buy both of the Dailies guides, which are not the leveling guides, for the special $35 price then the total for all the guides would be $135. There might have been a slight misunderstanding within the emails if you only stated that you bought the leveling guides for $135 instead of saying you bought all available guides for $135.
                        That wasn't an issue, the issue was the addon was not working, it shouldn't have been brought up at all. Bad customer service, I know what I paid. You wanted the proof...that was just the beginning of an arguement. And this has made me delete Zygor guides, not that you care. I would rather quest on my own, and it take me forever, than to finish in a hurry and have everything pushed back at me as if I would lie, when I was trying to post to the website, not the forums, and that was the e-mail I received. Have a good day, and please let sleeping dogs lie. Because I'm getting really tired. Some things are just better left unsaid.


                          We found your email, here it is:

                          "Subject: Injection System Kinda sucks....

                          I'm in auberdine.....and I'm looking for this guy that the guide says to look for called Tarrel Rockweaver, of course the guide says Go to wetlands, but it just told me to go to Auberdine. So I'm thinking to myself, how am I suppose to do that, if I wasn't an advanced player I would be standing here confused. It should have told me to take the boat, then fly to wetlands. or tell me how to get to wetlands. I'm thinking for a $135 buckaroos, it should be there for the most uneducated game player....just letting you know."

                          Our support staff then responded with this:

                          "We understand what you’re saying and are working on a solution. No one till now has ever had a problem with it though and our community forums are always open to help people find where to go. Our leveling guide does not cost $135 though."

                          So, to summarize, they said we recognize the problem you are having, are aware of it, and we are working on a universal solution to that problem. They then point you to our community forums, where you can receive further help, if needed. And lastly, they pointed out that our leveling guides do not cost $135 dollars, as you implied, and that was the only reason it was mentioned in the email. I believe they assumed you were referring to our leveling guides, since they are where the bulk of SIS would be used continuously.

                          I'm not sure why this would be bad customer service. I'm sorry you see it that way.
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