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Just bought the alliance leveling guide and now cannot play!

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    Just bought the alliance leveling guide and now cannot play!

    I just bought the Alliance leveling guide and installed with the launcher and went into WoW. My character was camped in Auberdine and it asked to go to another zone, Teldrassil (sp?). As soon as I came into the zone on the back of the gryphon I got a hard lockup of the game and now when I try to log back in WoW is telling me I cannot login and if problem persists to contact technical support. My realm is showing it is up so it is not the server.

    Can you help please? I sure hope this addon is legal because I'd hate to get banned. I purchased this app because it advertised it was legal.

    I think I have it fixed now. I was kind of dumb.


      Was it something with the guide that needs to be fixed?

      Also, you shouldn't have to worry about being banned. The guide complies with the Blizzard Addon Policy and there's been no known instances of anyone being banned for using the guide during it's entire existence.
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


        That is good to know. I was able to get back in and play a ton. However, since downloading and installing this guide I have had 2 computer hard lockups while playing WoW. They were so bad I had to hit the reset button on the computer to get anything to respond. Previous to downloading/installing this addon I had never locked up since returning to WoW. That might be something you might want to check into.

        I am having good luck using the guide to complete quests so far.


          Glad you like the guide so far. Don't think I could really level anymore without it.

          As for the lock ups, zgdev will have to check into it but it's pretty odd since an addon really shouldn't be able to cause that kind of problem unless there was a memory leak, which I've never noticed one with the guides. If you're using any other addons maybe there's a conflict between one of them and the guides. Try making sure all other addons are current and updated.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


            I am still having these lockups occasionally. I never had a lockup since returning until after I installed the Zygor Guide addon the other night. Can you guys look into it and see if there could be an issue please?

            The guide is freaking awesome, btw!

            Could there be a graphics setting I changed to that might be causing this? I pretty maxed all my graphics.


              These lockups are so bad now I can hardly play at all. I am locking up every 5-10 mins. Please help!


                I just used the repair function in the Zygor launcher and was able to get back in and play for quite some time. Let's see if this hopefully fixes things.


                  Hmm, this doesn't really make sense to me, but then again zgdev is the one that would know this stuff much better than I. Hopefully he'll be along soon and have an idea or 2 about possible reasons for your lock ups.

                  One thing you can try is if it starts up again like that try disabling or uninstalling the Zygor stuff and see if it persists.
                  My Flight Path Follies guide

                  A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                  I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                  All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                    I'd like to know what OS you are running and how much RAM do you have? Kinda sounds like you are low on RAM, and have other applications in the background running.

                    And for the game itself Zygor guide is a memoryhog (it doesnt affect gameperformance once started tho.) and if you are low on RAM, you might want to look at your addons. I.e. I know Zygorteam recomend auctioneer, wich is a very good and awesome addon if you play the auctionhouse game. Also takes up a lot of memory. But the most of us just want post our auctions quick and at the lowest price I can recomend AuctionLite http://www.wowinterface.com/download...ctionLite.html its gonna make your life easy enough while leveling

                    But for now look if you can disable some of the programs running in the background, i.e. MSN messenger and such and see if that helps.
                    For glory, for honour, for victory! For the Alliance!


                      With the update just released today there were some improvements made to the memory aspect of the guides according to the patch notes.
                      My Flight Path Follies guide

                      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

