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Quick question

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    Quick question

    I did not know about this fantastic addon and did not purchase it until I was already a lvl 13 Druid just coming back to WoW after a couple years away. I have noticed now that I am a bit out of sequence with the quests the ingame guide is telling me to do as a result. Like currently my character is lvl 16 and the guide is still having me do lvl 15 quests according to the guide.

    Should I just continue down this current path or should I skip the guide ahead to the lvl 16 stuff?

    I think by default it will let you get 3 levels ahead of the guide; sometimes, it will also have you pick up quests that start a chain.

    At the end of the day, stick with and trust the guide until such time as you notice it's WILDLY out of sync with your toon
    Proud noob, opinionated nerd, and asker of obvious questions.

    Main: Reliq (DK - 85).
    Alts: Baym (Paladin - 85), Aotearoa (Priest - 85), Selleck (Hunter), Reliqa (Warrior)


      I am now at lvl 17 and the guide just started the lvl 16 stuff. So I'm not ahead of the guide. I'm actually behind in the guide.


        What he meant is that you'll often get a level or 2 ahead of the what the guide thinks your level should be. This is quite normal. When you get ahead like that you'll see the guide sometimes skipping steps, it does this to try to catch back up to you. You can adjust how far ahead of the guide you want to get before it starts skipping by adjusting the slider bar in the Dynamic Progression section of the guide options.

        In the end you don't really have to worry about being a few levels ahead of the guide, it's when you start getting really big differences, like 10 levels ahead, that you want to think about skipping stuff so you can actually get good XP.

        Here's a link to help with understanding the different options for the guide skipping: http://www.zygorguides.com/help/dynamic.php
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          I think I misspoke above...I am indeed ahead of the guide, lol. That is what I get for posting at like 6am.


            I am now about to ding 41 and the quest thingy in Zygor wants me to do level 34 quests. This is because my friend PL'ed me a long time yesterday. Should I skip the guide ahead by clicking the 40-45 thingy in the Zygor menu?


              No, those level 34 quests are probably part of a chain. Take a little time to go thru the steps to finish clearing out any quests you might still have in the log and it should only have you accept quests that are parts of chains. It'll do a lot of skipping and eventually get a lot closer to your level, but if you do things like instances or more PLing then you can expect it to take longer for the guide to get caught up. I'd say give it about 4 hours of played time and you'll see it a whole lot closer to where you are.

              If you just select the 40-42 section of the guide you'll run into problems where you haven't done chain quests to unlock the ones at your level and then you'll be having to skip all sorts of steps that you can't do and possibly fall behind the guide and start being told to grind.
              My Flight Path Follies guide

              A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

              I reject your reality and substitute my own.

              All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

