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quest glitches

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    quest glitches

    i'm currently in dragonblight trying to do a quest "the truth shall set us free"
    this isn't a zygor issue but was wondering i sent a report to the "gm" you place a orb down and watch a scene but half way through the quest it just ends and it still not complete tried letting it run for 10min went to wowwiki and thottbot and there seems to be glitches in this quest should i abandon quest and move on or wait for gm report.also tried abandoning quest and picking it back up but still same thing

    the truth shall set us free

    I did this quest on a alt about 1 week ago with not problems, i just wonder what addon's you are useing? and what class you are?? as for me im a hunter with Ackis Recipe List, FeedOMatic, Gatherer, Silverdragon and Zygor addons and i had no prob. Could be your machine spec as well im running win7 64bit with 8Gig of ram but if its not crashing the only thing i could think of is your addons...
    Elune be with you

