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Reached lvl 80

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    One this you may want to do at first is to join heroics as Balance DPS instead of resto healing. You do this only in at the start to get gear and emblems. It is easier for a group to have a undergeared DPS than it is to have an undergeared tank or healer.

    When you have gotten some better gear then you can switch back to resto and it should be easier to heal.

    Groups are generally more forgiving if someone has bad DPS. But if the tank has low HP or the healer have a hard time keeping the group healed then people tend to get angry more easily.


      Just to confirm what others have said - your job is to heal the tank, DPS job is to make sure they don't out-threat the tank. I use Healbot - makes healing easy and also shows you who's getting threat so you can plan ahead. If a DPS keeps getting aggro I usually /whisper them - I very often get a reply saying "thanks, I didn't realise". I also suggest they install the Omen addon which shows how their threat compares with the other players.

      One addon that I've found very useful for heroics is DBM from http://deadlybossmods.com/ - it alerts you when a dungeon or raid boss is about to do something, erm, deadly E.g. "Whirlwind in 15 seconds" with a countdown bar displayed, then "Whirlwind - run away!". I find it very useful as a disc priest for knowing when to get ready to shield DPS who aren't paying attention

      As for the archmage's arcane blast when he ports to the centre of the ring in Oculus - that's not your fault if players don't know the tactics and they die - they usually only make that mistake once Incidentally, DBM will warn you of that, too, and warn you to hide.

      TL;DR: Consider using Healbot and DBM - and don't let the pugs get you down


        thank you all for advice..just downloaded Deadly boss mods..and i have been running heroics as dps with the 80s that came back to guild after leaving to get geared


          ok now im geared a little bit...so now im looking into healing heroics..Gear score is
          3707 if that even matters

          i have 15k hp and 15k mana unbuffed
          With my own buffs it moves to 16k hp and 16k mana

          My bonus healing is 1465
          Crit chance is 9.10%
          Haste Rating is 572
          Mana regen is 358

          is this good for healing heroics?..or do i have a bit to go?.


            Go for it. You can always try it out and see how it goes. If it doesn't go well then you can always go back to DPS to gather some more gear before trying again.

            It may also depend on what group you get. If you get a really good geared tank then it would be really easy to heal since he hardly take any damage at all. But if you get a new tank then it may be a little bit harder.


              thx Skyflyer



                My druid is boomkin/resto I geard for balance and only switch out my relics more less now since my set bonus gear has spirit on it now... So just gear for balance and u can alway heal inthat gear like I do.

                Druids r like te only healing/dps class that can more less use the se gear
                so just gear for spell power intel and spirit and u should be fine!
                Once u have enuff gear to heal work on sperate gear sets if u need. Ie spell hit lol

                I miss rarely now but still do a little but it's better to miss with high dps then to miss with low dps lol

                m druid is ornek on azshara us horde if u wanna look him up
                Dwarf Shaman-Shamme 90 Elemental/Resto
                Nelf Rouge-Legolys 90 Sub/Ass
                Pandarian Monk-Phood 90 Windwalker/Brewmaster
                Nelf Druid-Ornek 85 Boomkin/Bear
                Nelf DK-Zgknight 85 Blood/NA
                Draenei Hunter-Bowz 85 MM/Survival
                Worgen Priest-Loyder 85 Disc/Shadow
                Gnome Warlock-Lotzadots 85 Destro/NA
                Dwarf Paladin-Buradin 85 Prot/Ret
                Gnome Mage-Zygors 70 Arcane/NA
                Nelf Warrior-Talifan 61 Prot/NA

