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Just a little question

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    Just a little question

    Hallo, i'm new to wow and zygor guides so sorry for my stupid question (and my bad english).

    Sometimes the guide doesn't give indication of a quest but only a generic info like this: alliance level 30-35 step 120 - "Go to northwest to the Hillsbrad Foothills".

    The problem is that the arrow indicating the way and distance is missing, and a newbie like me don't know where to go...

    What i'm missing? Why no arrow is shown on generic steps like this?

    Thank you very much, i love wow and your guide, sorry for my english (i'm italian).


    We will be adding arrows to generic steps like this very soon. :-)
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      If I am not completely mistaken, the coordinates are also given by the guide, not only text like "go north to hillsbrad"..

      If you have coordinates showing in the map, or use an addon like coords, you should have no problem figuring out where to go even if you are new.

      Also, there should be a small dot on the map for each step I think?

      When you click to the next step in the guide, the arrow will show again, that will give some idea of where you need to go..

      Dont worry, I still feel like a newbie everytime I level up though :-)

      Last edited by urugnek; May 27, 2010, 03:12 AM. Reason: missing info

