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explaining myself

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    explaining myself

    About dngn's maybe I'm to old and don't understand the language got booted for not face rolling enough whatever that means got booted just before boss drop so that just those could get it I assume they were all from same server got booted cause I did die and lost the dragon you use in utgarde pinnacle though I did mess up once got booted for having aspect of the pack on and I thought it was from my pet and did realize after the boot that it was my toon that had it on.

    Ps how about a add-on that disables the boot option.
    How does the boot feature seem fair when u can't buy gold or run cheats but u can boot someone from preventing them from getting better gear

    Sorry for the vent will stop my whining now

    Sorry to hear that, but there's not really anything we can do to help you with that. It's not possible for an addon to disable the boot option. :-( Good luck.
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      It sucks to hear that, but due to the fact that there are an abundance of DPS toons waiting for a group in the LFD queue, it is very easy to boot a DPS for the smallest transgression. Since the emphasis in dungeons these days seems to be GO-GO-GO having to wait for someone to be rezzed is looked upon as the eighth deadly sin.

      It is unfortunate that there even has to be a boot ability to deal with the people who go AFK or just annoying in general. I firmly believe that the fact that it takes at least three people to boot a player is better than the old way where the group lead could do it on his own. Pre-3.3, as a tank, who would always take group lead, I had to boot quite a few people for numerous reasons, one death was never a reason. I suspect there was additional issues they had with your play and did not bother to bring it to your attention prior to booting you.

      On a more personal note, if you thought that Aspect of the Pack came from the pet and not from you, it might be time to spend a little bit of time researching your class to better understand the abilities of your toon and it's pet. I am not trying to say you are a bad player, but that is something that usually would have been picked up while leveling. It might also lead you to find some ways to improve your play making itless likely that you will be booted.

      Best of luck to you.
      My tanks:
      Losfer 110 Tauren Protection Paladin Area 52
      Prassan 110 Tauren Guardian Druid Area 52
      Theomach 102Tauren Protection Warrior Hyjal
      Paschendale 100 Night Elf Brewmaster Monk Sargeras
      Shangol 100 Troll Blood Death Knight Area 52
      Nassic 100 Blood Elf Vengeance Demon Hunter

      My DPS:
      Kastenessen 100 Human Fire Mage Sargeras
      Thoraynayla 110 Orc Marksmanship Hunter Arear 52
      Findail 101 Forsaken Destruction Warlock Area 52


        I got PUG'd into Trial of the Champion today on my fury warrior (dps). We group-wiped 4 times on the faction champions (cost me 41g for repairs).

        First wipe -- dps (ret) pally was still equipped with his stick from the joust and had crusader (ride your horse faster) aura up instead of a damage aura.

        Second wipe -- we all agreed to go on the rogue then hunter then mage. We took down the rogue then tank and I jumped on the hunter, the other two dps targeted the mage. Hunter took out the healer before we beat him down. Presto, group wipe.

        Third wipe -- had the rogue about halfway down when the healer got DCd.

        Fourth wipe -- tank engaged the rogue while the rest of us were still healing up and healer was at 20% mana. Healer dropped -- said he wasn't going to make enough to cover his repair bill.

        We got a new healer in, coordinated our attacks and finally took down the faction champs. We all decided to run another and went into Nexus. Burned through it very quickly. I had reset recount when we zoned in. Checked the numbers afterwards and I had more total damage than the bottom two damage dealers and almost the same amount of DPS as those two combined. I hit the tank with EG afterwards -- he was in a mixmatch of PVE/PVP gear with missing enchants on two pieces and bad gemming for a tank role.

        The LFG tool isn't supposed to drop you into any instances you won't be able to survive but just because you have the minimum gear score or iLevel doesn't mean its the right gear for the role you're trying to be fill. Nor does it mean you can't or won't make mistakes. Learn from the mistakes and continue to queue. You'll eventually get the gear -- whether it be from drops or from emblems.


          Bah, I think they should have helped you. Instead of booting you from the group. It is so easy in a friendly way tell anyone, what is wrong and tell them what to do instead. I just feel the game dies a little bit everytime i hear things like that.
          But also tbh, what hunter havnt forgot to disable aspect of the pack in raids? It isnt the first time
          But dont let it get to you, just be open about that you are new to the game/class and at some point you will meet friendly and helpfull players. They are harder to find theese days, but they still exists tho

          Best Regards
          For glory, for honour, for victory! For the Alliance!


            Im not sure the subject has been brought up to you, but my recomendation is to get with a leveling guild.
            Most of the players will be experienced, and will have at least one toon that is a hunter (come on now... who doesnt have a hunter ).
            The higher levels you get, the more your toon can do, no matter the class.
            Learning these abilities makes a huge difference for you, and the group you are with.
            As for getting into a pug, checking out the setup before you begin is important.
            If you are sitting in the middle of a bunch of guildies, keep your mouth closed and just fill your roll. Ask questions when you need, but advise or 'wtf was that dude' gets you kicked.
            As for getting kicked before the boss, that you should have reported to a GM. There is little excuse to run an entire instance with a person only to kick him/her at the final boss. That is a group of ninja's, imo.
            It does sound like there should be a mental checklist once you rez into an instance though. Once you get in, do you have your aspect set properly, mana up, pet out and healthy, any guardian or battle flasks you need to consume, food to eat for stats... etc.
            Overall, just learn what your abilities are and do the old trial/failure with them.
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

