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    HI guys this is Malonstorm calling back to tell you how i've been doing. I been playing around on my main just learning how to PVP. i completed my Netherdrake guild and was showing my friend the other day who has more gold and gear then me though i play more then him (He's in a good guild i'm not) and he loves my Hunter now and wants to dump his Prot pally and Priest so he can play as a Hunter bescause of the fun he had with her in the Battleground *chuckles*

    I also finished leveling my warrior and geared him almost ready to take on raiding.

    But i notice more and more that my server dead to raiding i love my hunter but i also love leveling my alts to and trying out new combos i'm just debating which one to focus on next.

    Horde Hunter (PVP gearing)

    Alliance side

    Mage-Gear him
    Warrior-get the last 2 items to gear him

    Druid-73 She a quick leveler i admit and is fun but i wish there was more to boomkin then just spamming wrath it so dull
    DK-72 Shes a cutie i know i leveled her up enchanting to match her level so i'm tempted
    Hunter 69-I'm tempted to level her with all these SB running around maybe i can get lucky and catch one and be a happy hunter
    Shaman 68-He's been a blast thus far i just need a reason to shove him forward
    Priest-God i'm having a hard time leveling with her Hellfire mobs are still messing her up and she's 66 but that the challage of leveling a class i've mainly been bludgeoning with her but....
    Rogue-It's slow so far but this combo point system is intresting.

    I have been concentrating my play time recently on my Pally (ret/holy), Hunter (survival/BM), and Rogue (combat), trying to get to the 5K GS mark to start ICC raiding. All are at a low to mid 4K gear score right now, the Hunter being the highest with a 4689GS. What I have observed, if you want to raid or like to raid, is that Mages (arcane) and Shaman (not really sure what spec cuz I haven't played them) consistently top out on the DPS scale when comparably equipped to any other classes. So if that's ur goal, or if that's what you want to do (personally, I like to BRING THE RAIN ).......then I'd say go with the Mage.

    But there again, this is what's so great about WOW. Everyone has a choice. DPS, Tank, Heal, it's really a preference as to what you want to accomplish with that particular character that you have in the game. I think Druids, Shamans, and Pally's are the most versatile characters in the game because they can get the "triple play" by being able to do all of the roles, after that it becomes harder to for me to choose a favorite class/spec. For now, though, I am having a blast on my Hunter.

    Here's a side note. The talent tree specs listed in Zygor's guide are for optimuim leveling and not really built around end game. Do some research a little before you get to level 80. Get either a good PVE/raid spec or a good end game PVP spec. Create a custom lua file build around this talent tree so you can add that into the Zygor's guide. Once you hit 80, respec and start running randoms....again, if that's you what you want to accomplish.

