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Waypoint arrow randomly disappeared

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    Waypoint arrow randomly disappeared

    My waypoint arrow doesnt show up anymore. i tried reloading it and still the same. it has the green dot but no arrow, im very confused

    What happens if you skip ahead or back a few steps? Can you give us a bug report for the current step you are on?
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      ya nothing happens.

      Zygor Guides Viewer v2.0.1196

      Guide: "Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (35-40)"
      Step: 113
      map: Arathi Highlands
      level: 38
      (completed: no, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
      1. <Go to 71,62>
      action: goto
      L: true
      map: Arathi Highlands 71.7,62.9 +/- 0.2
      (not completeable)
      Status: passive
      2. . <Kill Witherbark trolls>
      action: kill
      count: 1
      L: true
      force_nocomplete: true
      target: "Witherbark trolls"
      (not completeable)
      Status: passive
      3. . <Get 10 Witherbark Tusks>
      action: get
      count: 10
      L: true
      quest: "Worth Its Weight in Gold" ##691 goal 1: "Witherbark Tusk" - quest "Worth Its Weight in Gold" ##691 in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
      target: "Witherbark Tusk"
      (complete: no, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
      Status: incomplete
      4. . <Kill Witherbark Witch Doctors>
      action: kill
      count: 1
      L: true
      force_nocomplete: true
      target: "Witherbark Witch Doctors"
      (not completeable)
      Status: passive
      5. . <Get 4 Witherbark Medicine Pouches>
      action: get
      count: 4
      L: true
      quest: "Worth Its Weight in Gold" ##691 goal 2: "Witherbark Medicine Pouch" - quest "Worth Its Weight in Gold" ##691 in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
      target: "Witherbark Medicine Pouch"
      (complete: no, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
      Status: incomplete

      --- Player information ---
      Race: Dwarf Class: ROGUE Level: 39
      Position: realzone:'Arathi Highlands' x:45.995,y:46.9993 (zone:'Arathi Highlands' subzone:'Refuge Pointe' minimapzone:'Refuge Pointe')

      -- Cached quest log --
      2. "Worth Its Weight in Gold" ##691 (lv=36):
      ... 1. "Witherbark Tusk: 1/10" (item, 1/10)
      ... 2. "Witherbark Medicine Pouch: 0/4" (item, 0/4)
      ... 3. "Shadow Hunter Knife: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
      3. "Stones of Binding" ##651 (lv=38):
      ... 1. "Burning Key: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
      ... 2. "Cresting Key: 1/1" (item, 1/1, complete)
      ... 3. "Thundering Key: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
      4. "Wanted! Marez Cowl" ##684 (lv=39):
      ... 1. "Marez's Head: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
      5. "Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest" ##685 (lv=40):
      ... 1. "Otto's Head: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
      ... 2. "Falconcrest's Head: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
      7. "The Grand Betrayal" ##2929 (lv=35):
      ... 1. "Mekgineer Thermaplugg slain: 0/1" (monster, 0/1)
      9. "Hints of a New Plague?" ##659 (lv=33):
      11. "Torch Tossing" ##11731 (lv=39):
      ... 1. "Hit 8 braziers." (event, 0/1)
      13. "Extinguishing the Idol" ##3525 (lv=37):
      ... 1. "Protect Belnistrasz while he performs the ritual to shut down the idol" (event, 0/1)
      15. "Some Assembly Required" ##577 (lv=36):
      ... 1. "Snapjaw Crocolisk Skin: 0/5" (item, 0/5)
      16. "Water Elementals" ##601 (lv=37):
      ... 1. "Water Elemental Bracers: 0/6" (item, 0/6)
      18. "Martek the Exiled" ##1106 (lv=35, complete):
      ... 1. "Bring Fizzle's Letter to Martek the Exiled in the Badlands." (log, 1/1, complete)
      19. "Razzeric's Tweaking" ##1187 (lv=41):
      ... 1. "Seaforium Booster: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
      21. "The Hidden Chamber" ##2240 (lv=40, complete):
      ... 1. "Explore the Hidden Chamber" (event, 1/1, complete)
      22. "The Shattered Necklace" ##2198 (lv=41, complete):
      ... 1. "Search for the original creator of the shattered necklace to learn of its potential value." (log, 1/1, complete)
      23. "Reclaimed Treasures" ##1360 (lv=43):
      ... 1. "Krom Stoutarm's Treasure: 0/1" (item, 0/1)

      -- Cached quest log, by ID --
      #3525: Extinguishing the Idol
      #684: Wanted! Marez Cowl
      #1360: Reclaimed Treasures
      #2198: The Shattered Necklace
      #1106: Martek the Exiled
      #1187: Razzeric's Tweaking
      #651: Stones of Binding
      #2929: The Grand Betrayal
      #685: Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest
      #2240: The Hidden Chamber
      #659: Hints of a New Plague?
      #691: Worth Its Weight in Gold
      #601: Water Elementals
      #577: Some Assembly Required
      #11731: Torch Tossing

      -- Items --
      Burning Blossom ##23247 x67
      Coldrage Dagger ##10761 x1
      Cresting Key ##4484 x1
      Fizzle Brassbolts' Letter ##5827 x1
      Gni'kiv Medallion ##7740 x1
      Goblin Fishing Pole ##4598 x8
      Goldenbark Apple ##4539 x1
      Greater Healing Potion ##1710 x1
      Hearthstone ##6948 x1
      Kearnen's Journal ##8046 x1
      Library Scrip ##3898 x1
      Mageweave Cloth ##4338 x4
      Red Defias Mask ##7997 x1
      Sentinel Girdle of the Eagle ##7448 x1
      Shattered Necklace ##7666 x1
      Steelclaw Reaver ##7761 x1
      Strong Iron Lockbox ##4636 x1
      Strong Iron Lockbox ##4636 x1
      Superior Healing Potion ##3928 x1
      Syndicate Emblem ##17124 x4
      Teronis' Journal ##5505 x1
      The Scarlet Key ##7146 x1
      Translated Letter from The Embalmer ##3248 x1
      Wild Hog Shank ##3771 x6
      Witherbark Tusk ##4503 x1

      -- Buffs/debuffs --
      Gray Ram ("Interface\Icons\Ability_Mount_MountainRam")

      -- Pet action bar --

      -- Flight Paths --
      1 , 2 , Refuge Pointe , Auberdine , Aerie Peak , Lakeshire , Feathermoon Stronghold , Menethil Harbor , Talrendis Point , Ironforge , Nijel's Point , Rut'theran Village , Stonetalon Peak , Shattered Sun Staging Area , Gadgetzan , Thelsamar , Theramore , Booty Bay , Ratchet , Theramore Isle , Forest Song , Stormwind , Darkshire , Sentinel Hill , Astranaar , Rebel Camp , Feathermoon , Southshore

      -- Options --
      backopacity = 0.3
      hidearrowwithguide = false
      minimapnotedesc = true
      arrowmeters = false
      arrowfontsize = 10
      hideincombat = true
      goalcompletionflash = true
      arrowfreeze = false
      trackchains = true
      debug = false
      skincolors =
      guidename = Zygor's Alliance Guides: Levels (25-30)
      fixblizzardautoaccept = false
      minicons = true
      flipsounds = true
      fullheight = 244.00001525879
      displaymode = guide
      goalcolorize = false
      golddetectiondist = 200
      visible = true
      goalbackaux =
      showallsteps = false
      skipimpossible = false
      goalbackcomplete =
      autoturnin = false
      fontsize = 10
      foglight = false
      arrowposx = 669.00005340576
      goalbackimpossible =
      pointeraudio = true
      minimapzoom = false
      goalicons = true
      golddistmode = 1
      goalbackprogress = true
      arrowscale = 1
      guidesinhistory = 5
      levelsahead = 0
      autoaccept = false
      skin = blue
      goalbackincomplete =
      arrowcam = false
      fontsecsize = 10
      arrowposy = 25.999997377396
      goalbackprogressing =
      waypointaddon = internal
      stepnumbers = true
      showstepnumbers = true
      arrowcolordir = true
      iconScale = 0.5
      windowlocked = false
      tooltipsbelow = true
      goldreqmode = 3
      flashborder = true
      skipauxsteps = true
      arrowsmooth = true
      analyzereps = false
      showsteplevels = true
      showcountsteps = 1
      opacitymain = 1
      goalbackgrounds = true
      showobsolete = true
      goalupdateflash = true
      iconAlpha = 1
      skipobsolete = true
      goalbackobsolete =
      framescale = 1
      stepbackalpha = 0.5
      filternotes = true
      hideborder = false
      contractmobs = true
      showmapbutton = true
      completesound = MapPing
      hidestepborders = false

      -- Log --
      11:35:33> Player dead!
      11:35:33> SetCorpseArrow, mc/mz=2/16
      11:40:52> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
      11:40:52> Player dead!
      11:41:19> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
      11:41:19> Player dead!
      11:41:55> PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD (dead?)
      11:41:55> PLAYER_ALIVE (dead?)
      11:41:55> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
      11:41:56> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
      11:42:06> PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD (dead?)
      11:42:06> PLAYER_ALIVE (dead?)
      11:42:06> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
      11:42:06> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
      11:42:06> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
      12:06:21> Viewer started. ---------------------------
      12:06:21> PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD (dead?)
      12:06:21> PLAYER_ALIVE (dead?)
      12:06:21> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
      12:06:21> New Quest: Worth Its Weight in Gold id 691
      12:06:21> New Quest: Stones of Binding id 651
      12:06:21> New Quest: Wanted! Marez Cowl id 684
      12:06:21> New Quest: Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest id 685
      12:06:21> New Quest: The Grand Betrayal id 2929
      12:06:21> New Quest: Hints of a New Plague? id 659
      12:06:21> New Quest: Torch Tossing id 11731
      12:06:21> New Quest: Extinguishing the Idol id 3525
      12:06:21> New Quest: Some Assembly Required id 577
      12:06:21> New Quest: Water Elementals id 601
      12:06:21> New Quest: Martek the Exiled id 1106
      12:06:21> New Quest: Razzeric's Tweaking id 1187
      12:06:21> New Quest: The Hidden Chamber id 2240
      12:06:21> New Quest: The Shattered Necklace id 2198
      12:06:21> New Quest: Reclaimed Treasures id 1360
      12:06:21> Got completed quests list
      12:06:21> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
      12:06:22> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
      12:06:23> Guides loaded. -----
      12:06:23> SetGuide Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (35-40) (113
      12:06:23> Guide loaded: Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (35-40)
      12:06:23> FocusStep 113
      12:06:23> unpausing
      12:06:23> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
      12:11:32> SkipStep -1
      12:11:32> LastSkip -1
      12:11:32> FocusStep 112 (quiet)
      12:11:32> FocusStep 112
      12:11:32> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
      12:11:33> SkipStep 1
      12:11:33> LastSkip 1
      12:11:33> FocusStep 113 (quiet)
      12:11:33> unpausing
      12:11:33> FocusStep 113
      12:11:34> SkipStep -1
      12:11:34> LastSkip -1
      12:11:34> FocusStep 112 (quiet)
      12:11:34> FocusStep 112
      12:11:34> SkipStep -1
      12:11:34> LastSkip -1
      12:11:34> FocusStep 111 (quiet)
      12:11:34> FocusStep 111
      12:11:34> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
      12:11:35> SkipStep -1
      12:11:35> LastSkip -1
      12:11:35> FocusStep 110 (quiet)
      12:11:35> FocusStep 110
      12:11:35> Translated: accept/turnin The Princess Trapped
      12:11:35> Translated: accept/turnin Stones of Binding
      12:11:35> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
      12:11:35> SkipStep -1
      12:11:35> LastSkip -1
      12:11:35> FocusStep 109 (quiet)
      12:11:35> FocusStep 109
      12:11:35> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.

