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Gold Guide

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    Gold Guide

    Hey there! Does anyone know anything new about the Gold Guide being released? When can we except it to come out?

    Soon™ ..... :-D
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      How soon os soon?
      An is there a rough price u can say?
      Dwarf Shaman-Shamme 90 Elemental/Resto
      Nelf Rouge-Legolys 90 Sub/Ass
      Pandarian Monk-Phood 90 Windwalker/Brewmaster
      Nelf Druid-Ornek 85 Boomkin/Bear
      Nelf DK-Zgknight 85 Blood/NA
      Draenei Hunter-Bowz 85 MM/Survival
      Worgen Priest-Loyder 85 Disc/Shadow
      Gnome Warlock-Lotzadots 85 Destro/NA
      Dwarf Paladin-Buradin 85 Prot/Ret
      Gnome Mage-Zygors 70 Arcane/NA
      Nelf Warrior-Talifan 61 Prot/NA


        They've learned the art of teasing from Blizzard so soon probably means some time before Cataclysm.

        I do remember Zygor stating that the price should be similar to the Dailies & Events guides, but there were no confirmed numbers yet.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Originally posted by nin88 View Post
          How soon os soon?
          An is there a rough price u can say?

          Follow that link to see further information on Soon™ :-P.
          It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


            i would be very excited for this guide. since zygor has made amazing dailies and levling guides. i do not think the gold guide with be trash. unlike hayden hawkes which is to confusing and it to long adn time consuming. Im wondering, will there be freee updates ? this is one thing that has avoided me from some guides. In hayden hawkes , you have to pay 17 bucks monthly for freee updates which is trash, because she said she would give you free updates. ZYGOR PLS MAKE A GOOD GUIDE SO I DONT LOE MY GOLD IN GAME LIKE HAS BEEN DONE IN THE PAST FROM OTHER GOLD GUIDES

