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Starting guide and Keyclone

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    Starting guide and Keyclone

    I multi box (well dual box) and got the guide yesterday.
    I have been MB'ing a bit, levelling a 75 DK on her own as well, but..

    Does the guide start alongside Keyclone. Both seem to have a Warcraft initiation button built into their own UI's.

    With Keyclone, for it to work you have to start WoW from within the Keyclone ap.
    Just wondering if this is a problem for ZG.

    Fantastic product BTW.

    I'm now using it AND selling it for you. Consider me a 100% convert


    Shouldn't be a problem. The guides are loaded when you enter the game with your character - they're not loaded prior to that.

    Thanks for the promo! Glad you like the guides. :-)
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      Yeah, that WoW start button that's part of the guide updater is just there for convenience. You don't need to use it to start WoW and have the guides available.
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        You can start the game however you want. Via the launcher, via wow.exe, via curse client, keyclone, the command line, whatever The guides are simply addons that load when the game does.

