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Is Zygor still relevant?

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    Is Zygor still relevant?

    Ok, I admit that's a bit of a provocative title. I have enjoyed the guide for some time now, and I do think it is a good and useful product, but I wonder just how useful it is with the latest WOW changes to quests. I have levelled several characters up to 80 with Zygor, but a few months ago I switched Zygor off, and just relied on what WOW provides internally. Now I'm not suggesting that I have necessarily maxxed out my levelling since then, and I know I have occasionally been slightly inefficient relative to what Zygor would have suggested. But, nevertheless, the WOW internal structure is pretty good now, and has certainly been easily workable on its own.

    So my question is this: what is the added value that Zygor is going to provide in the future, relative to the structures already provided in game?

    Is it just that I was a bit slower on my own than if I had Zygor switched on? Is there something else I'm missing? Or is something else coming that will blow all this away?

    Of course zygor still relevant nothing changed sure blizzard has dungeon finder but questing still the best way to level and sure they now have built in quest tracker that shows you where to go to finish your quest but that makes no difference what so ever since quest helper been doing that for a long long time now.

    Zygor does what it says and that is why people use it to level without all the hassles of remembering where to pick up the quests, which quests give u the best exp, which quests open chain quests, and in which order to complete them in and if they can be done at your level.

    I admit i am one who enjoys leveling my main char without guides to enjoy the quests the first time but as far as alts go zygor all the way to get the process over with. People who just want to play end game content there no better way than the zygor way.

    Zygor always improving on there guides so it will be very relevant for a long time to come.


      Isnt the relevancy of a tangible item strickly at the judgment of the individual user?
      Sorry, but I am finding this a bit ambiguous. Can you clarify a bit further?
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        Sure it is easy to level from 60-80 without guide as WoW becomes very linear.
        Below level 60 there is currently no better way than to use a leveling guide. Unless you like grinding or going through the same dungeons over and over.

        But a leveling guide makes it much faster to level, I need half the time per level from 70-80 compared to my friends without the guide. I don't need to think about getting an quest and what the best order to do them is. And I don't have to look at the map to know where to go.


          <<Isnt the relevancy of a tangible item strickly at the judgment of the individual user?>>

          Yes, of course. I have used Zygor's guide for several characters. All I'm saying is that a couple of months ago I switched it off, just to see what it was like, and I can't say I've noticed much difference.

          However, I do take Cartman's point about levelling 1-60; my experience since switching Zygor off has been from 60-80. The game is much less linear from 1-60, as there are a lot of different options about where to go, and how to get through the levels without travelling as much as Blizzard would like you to.

          As you say, Cartman, from 60-80, the game is incredibly linear, and with the latest WOW quest help plus tomtom for way points, it's incredibly quick and easy even without a guide.

          Anyway, believe it or not, I'm not here to criticise the guide. It's more that I'm trying to figure out whether to switch it back on, and also whether to upgrade come the Cataclysm.


            well where guides really get useful with the current way the Default UI works, is that they provide better pathing, and help to know which quests are and are not best for quick leveling.


              I do see your point.
              I have guildies levelling quite well through 60 to 80 without the guide.
              But 1 to 60 is slow work without the guide. Although, if you put BOA gear on your lowbie and constantly queue for Battlegrounds as you quest you will find you level really fast through 1 to 60. That is what I am doing with my little alt Rogue that I am levelling. I have found the guide has to skip like mad to keep up with me as I am levelling too fast with BOA gear and XP from Battlegrounds.

              It will be interesting when Cata comes out and the quest line is far more linear.

              The guide will still be relevent as I doubt you could quest 1 to 85 faster without the guide - and I guess that is really what the guide was built for in the first place.


                I think that Zygor's Guide is, and will be, relevant even after the release of Cataclysm. Having levelled with a free guide and tried to level without any guide at all, I can honestly say that using this guide has made life much, much easier. (In the sense of knowing where to go and what to do for the quickest "hit" of XP).

                With somewhere over 8000 quests, once you leave the starting areas it can quickly become baffling - even with the built-in system. Before I got Zygor's guide, the best I'd got a toon to was around lvl 60: and that was a long, hard slog. Last night - and for the first time - one of my toons dinged 80 (YAY!!) after 12 days /played. I honestly think I'd have been floundering around at 60 (again) without a guide.

