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Multi Boxing support suggestion

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    Multi Boxing support suggestion

    So, I'm leveling a pair of mages by dual boxing. I'm using the Zygor Alliance quide to help in the questing to help them level faster.

    My suggestion is to include an option in the SIS guide for multi boxers that focuses on certain types of quests while skipping over others. Kill and delivery quests are good, but collection quests that require each party member to collect all the items kinda suck (for obvious reasons). Perhaps there is a way glaze over some of these? Maybe not all, but some that requre a high amount of items and don't have a great drop rate.

    (Most recently it was the 12 Zanzil's Mixture for Zanil's Secret in Stragnlethorn Vale. It only dropped one at a time and didn't drop all the time. I think I cleared the entire area 3 times to get them all for 2 chars. I can only imagine how many times for more chars! While it was some good XP, it was really pain. Would be nice to skip this one while multi boxing.)

    Anyway, thanks for the great guide and keep it up!

    When I multibox, I only run Zygor on one account. That way I can skip the collection quests on one toon only. Keeps it streamlined for me.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

