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Ret Pally Talent Build

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    Ret Pally Talent Build

    I have to ask...why do the first two talent points you get go into Improved Judgements?

    The first 3 points you get (lvl 10-12) should be spent in Crusade, where you will see a real improvement in your Crusader Strike and Templar's Verdict damage (10%, 20%, 30%), which is needed on these low levels as soon as possible.

    After that, we are left with 2 situational talents in Eye for an Eye and Improved Judgements. I personally think that 2 points in Eye for an Eye would better suit a leveler, as Improved Judgegments (and it's follow-up, Long Arm of the Law) are more suited for PvP.

    Taking magical damage from caster mobs while fighting melee mobs...I can think of literally hundreds of times I have seen this happen in the past while I was leveling and wished I could do something about that pesky caster...like reflecting his damage back to him?

    Although I'm not thrilled with either of these talents in the first tier, Eye for an Eye is a better choice of talent points for leveling, but clearly Crusade should be where the first 3 points go...