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Removing deleted character information.

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    Removing deleted character information.

    I have removed a character but want to reuse the name. When I do, the guide "remembers" information about the first character. Where is this data stored and how should I remove it?


    Just start the guide over by selecting the 1-13 guide for whatever race you are re-starting with... or if it's already been created and isn't a level 1, right click the next button after you select the guide to start the Smart Insertion System (SIS).

    (you select the guide by moving the mouse over the top section of the guide window until a 'gear' rotates out... and then follow it by section until you reach the guide you need).
    * Signature to be Updated at a later time *


      Voltec, the guide also remembers information about completed quests, flightpoints and so on.
      You have to manually edit the zygorguidesviewer.lua file inside thw WoW\WTF\accountname\SavedVariables folder. Make a backup of the file and search inside for the character name. Then delete everything until the next character's section. This may be a lot of information, for my main there are about 1000 lines...


        Originally posted by Cartman View Post
        Voltec, the guide also remembers information about completed quests, flightpoints and so on.
        You have to manually edit the zygorguidesviewer.lua file inside thw WoW\WTF\accountname\SavedVariables folder. Make a backup of the file and search inside for the character name. Then delete everything until the next character's section. This may be a lot of information, for my main there are about 1000 lines...
        Ok, I gotcha... thanks for the info and good catch.
        * Signature to be Updated at a later time *

