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Achievement guides

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    Achievement guides

    Any idea on the release of the previously mentioned achievement guides? I really love the idea of them. I skip majority of them because they are a pain in the ass and would love an easy walk through which you guys do a great job of providing.

    There hasn't been any word on it yet but I expect it will be a while. Right now the team is pretty busy trying to work out all the bugs from the 4.0.3a patch and Cata is only a week away. Who knows how many more bugs will be thrown Zygor's way when that launches. After they get the leveling guides all fixed and working properly then they will be taking care of the Dailies & Events guides upgrades for Cata. After that the next project to complete is the Gold & Professions guides (I personally estimate that sometime Q1 2011) and then after that it will be either the Dungeon guides or the Achievement guides. I'm don't know which one will take the priority there, but I think the earliest we'll see the Achievement guides will be Q2 2011, but I'd say maybe even later than that.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

