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    Originally posted by Ulst View Post
    So if I sent $80 with you 2 weeks ago getting the updates I am covered? the term preorder I do not recall I was just updating my All and HD guides and getting the dailies I have 4 Cata checkmarks on the members page
    If you have bought the guide between Oct. 7- Dec.7 You get the cata upgrade for free and the archeology guide for free. If you pre order the upgrade you have the 80-85 and the worgen and goblin and the archeology guide is free. If you have bought the dailies and events guide between Oct.7-Dec.7 you get the cata upgrade on them for free. Does this answer your question?
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Alright, we've seen the error of our ways. We're switching course to fix the same amount for Horde as has already been done for Alliance, regarding SIS. Sorry for our initial bone-headedness. :-D
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        Try toning the music down a little in your video, I have trouble hearing voices due to working around jet engines in the navy so had trouble concentrating on you and not the music.

        Unless its more important to hear the music, in that case you hit the nail on the head!


          If that means what I think it means, than thank you, and I should be upgrading By Monday at the latest. =P


            How can anyone complain about zygor guides so called having aliance as favourits, yet blizard do it all the time, do you bitch and complain that blizzard favovur the horde over the alaince ?
            The horde get better mounts
            The horde get better racials
            The horde get better looking tier gear
            Most of the Horde areas are more thought out, and better looking, easier to quest.
            The CEO even has said on blixcon "for the horde"

            So sorry to say stop ya winging.


              Originally posted by datavampire View Post
              How can anyone complain about zygor guides so called having aliance as favourits, yet blizard do it all the time, do you bitch and complain that blizzard favovur the horde over the alaince ?
              The horde get better mounts
              The horde get better racials
              The horde get better looking tier gear
              Most of the Horde areas are more thought out, and better looking, easier to quest.
              The CEO even has said on blixcon "for the horde"

              So sorry to say stop ya winging.
              how do you figure horde has the best racials, mounts, and tier gear? in my opinion and after doing research on this to have the best of any class you have to be alliance, as for mounts alliance can get some of the mounts we have but we cant get any of theirs, and as for gear i have a 80 alliance and 80 horde and guess what in t10 gear they almost look the same the only difference is like color. and as for the blizcon thing of "For the Horde" which is easier to say horde or alliance.

              but back to zygor not to worried about the sis as long as i can start leveling at 12:01am pst for my horde toon as me and my guild are trying to get back to raiding in the first week after cata comes out.

              One question could u make a thing were we could select what guilds we want to load and not all of them like if i'm maxed out in lvls maybe make so i can just load the dailies/events guide i dont need the leveling guides. it just a suggestion


                Originally posted by Zygor View Post
                Alright, we've seen the error of our ways. We're switching course to fix the same amount for Horde as has already been done for Alliance, regarding SIS. Sorry for our initial bone-headedness. :-D
                i think you did the right thing, you choose one guide to focus on and get done instead of having to juggle between the two and try and get them both done, just keep up the good work.

                i know for a fact that i want to enjoy the 80-85 leveling and not be rushed through it, by the time you guys fix the SiS i will be able to level my new priest quickly.


                  Originally posted by slandry1100 View Post
                  how do you figure horde has the best racials, mounts, and tier gear? in my opinion and after doing research on this to have the best of any class you have to be alliance, as for mounts alliance can get some of the mounts we have but we cant get any of theirs, and as for gear i have a 80 alliance and 80 horde and guess what in t10 gear they almost look the same the only difference is like color. and as for the blizcon thing of "For the Horde" which is easier to say horde or alliance.

                  but back to zygor not to worried about the sis as long as i can start leveling at 12:01am pst for my horde toon as me and my guild are trying to get back to raiding in the first week after cata comes out.

                  I don`t want to argue but i must say this.

                  One question could u make a thing were we could select what guilds we want to load and not all of them like if i'm maxed out in lvls maybe make so i can just load the dailies/events guide i dont need the leveling guides. it just a suggestion
                  Hi thank you for the eplay.
                  I have been playing wow for some 5 years.
                  Historicly horde tier gear has always looked better ie fitted the character properly visualy better.
                  Horde mounts. horde get an amazing raptor mount you have to feed and grow, the hog as apposed to the chopper looks tons better.
                  As for the racials, if you wanted to play the best paladin for example, the horde is where you went.

                  Anyhow its jsut my opion.

                  I to ordered the catta guide, and hope at 12.01 i can just log in and lvl using the guide.

                  If im honest im not entierly sure what the sis does.


                    what is SIS? and anyhow, I know I will be getting cataclysm day of release if I can I am going to drive there if we got the gas to pick it up atr midnight, which means skipping myt meds till i get home since cant drive on em....ciome home set it up for install, and then go to bed either that or if I am too tired to drive then I will take my husband to work and go and pick it up as soon as Game stop opens up, or again...since I cant drive the car with no power steering I might have to wait for hubby, I may tell him when he comes home for lunch to take me to get it...either way LOL I will not be able to play it right away when its inst5alled because I still have to go to school. it is being released the week of my finals....so this will be interestingz!@
                    I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!


                      Originally posted by chaos5061 View Post
                      If you have bought the guide between Oct. 7- Dec.7 You get the cata upgrade for free and the archeology guide for free. If you pre order the upgrade you have the 80-85 and the worgen and goblin and the archeology guide is free. If you have bought the dailies and events guide between Oct.7-Dec.7 you get the cata upgrade on them for free. Does this answer your question?
                      It does indeed it was just a mater of terminology misunderstanding looking forward to Tuesday and fingers crossed that Amazon makes good on the day of release delivery promise


                        Originally posted by sharlyne View Post
                        what is SIS? and anyhow, I know I will be getting cataclysm day of release if I can I am going to drive there if we got the gas to pick it up atr midnight, which means skipping myt meds till i get home since cant drive on em....ciome home set it up for install, and then go to bed either that or if I am too tired to drive then I will take my husband to work and go and pick it up as soon as Game stop opens up, or again...since I cant drive the car with no power steering I might have to wait for hubby, I may tell him when he comes home for lunch to take me to get it...either way LOL I will not be able to play it right away when its inst5alled because I still have to go to school. it is being released the week of my finals....so this will be interestingz!@
                        SIS is this: http://www.zygorguides.com/help/sis.php Basically it does that. And if you have been following the guide it automatically skips quests that are to low of a level for you to make sure that you get the most xp that you can get to get to max level as fast as you can.
                        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                        Twitter @Chaos5061.
                        Translations are done with Google Translate.


                          Originally posted by chaos5061 View Post
                          SIS is this: http://www.zygorguides.com/help/sis.php Basically it does that. And if you have been following the guide it automatically skips quests that are to low of a level for you to make sure that you get the most xp that you can get to get to max level as fast as you can.
                          Thanks i know what it is now...Ya know, tha treally messed me up in my pally at first! I ended up letting my dad take over cuz he has the ally guide and he went and took over my account from his pc and found my toon in the guide....turns out i was like 4 levels above teh guide but getting the guide caught back up to me and juyst being careful not to take rest or anything till the guide has me in lvl 31 quests12}
                          I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!


                            Also sharlyne, I saw a sticky on one of the WoW forums that said if you get the retail version don't use the disk to install. Supposedly the disk only has 4.0.1 on it and if you use it to install Cata then the launcher will have to download that massive 4.0.3 patch again. Instead just use the CD keys to upgrade your battle-net account and allow the launcher to do a smaller download to finish getting you all of the Cata content.

                            I'd find that sticky and link it for you but the battle-net stuff is down right now so can't access the WoW forums.
                            My Flight Path Follies guide

                            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                              Okay. Thank you I am sure I will find it. I will remember that tonight when I go to get it (*Going to midnight release party at game stop tonight). Also,m both me and my dad notice zygor gives coordinates....we were thinking that zygor should add map coordinates or at least give the name of the coordinates addon to better utilizwe this feature for those who actually want to look at their map instead of following the arrow!
                              I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!

