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No NPC-Names and Missing Waypoints

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    No NPC-Names and Missing Waypoints


    Cata is started and two Majorbugs occured.

    1.) NPCs-Name are Missing. Instead of them the Guide show a "?"

    2.) Following Error appears when the Guide is trying to set a Waypoint:

    CreateMapMarker bailing out; c=0 z=nil x=47.2 y=25.6
    Unable to Create waypoint: Berg Hyjal 47.2 25.6

    Is this bug allready known?

    I have the German Client and I do all Workarounds mentioned in the other Threads.

    Thx for helping.

    There are some NPCs in the english language file that are not in the german file. This is due to the WoW databaese not being filled with localized data. I made a workaround to get at least english names when those are in the database. I'll look for the thread.

    For the waypoint issue: download LibBabbleZone and install it as a separate addon. It may be an outdated library that vomes with Zygor guide but also it can be that an outdated library is loaded by another addon. You never know which addon loads the library first.
    You can get the library HERE. Just extract to the addons folder.


      Here is the link to the workaround for the german NPC names:


        Thx Cartman!!!!

        The Workaround works good for me. Unfortunately LibZone ist not UptoDate for German Zones. So i have to wait for this.


          Shame on Amazon, I have to wait some more hours to get Cataclysm so I cannot test some things with the waypoints.
          It only seems to affect Mount Hyjal but it seems to be correctly translated in LibBabbleZone to "Berg Hyjal".
          Maybe Blizzard changed the name to something like "Der Berg Hyjal".
          Can you run the following command in the chat while you are inside the zone where a waypoint is not working:
          /script print(GetRealZoneText())
          This tells you the zone name you are in. If it is different than "Berg Hyjal" there is a wrong localization inside LibBabbleZone.

