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HELP, all names are "??" s :(

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    HELP, all names are "??" s :(

    i'm living in south korea for a business, so i'm playing wow with a korean client..
    (i'm pretty good at korean though lol)
    so, the problem is..
    i updated the zygor guides to 3.0.1547,
    and all names in the guide became "??"s
    (NPC names, Mob names, Quest names, Quest item names, all of it)

    talk to "?"
    turn in "??"
    accept "??"
    Kill "??"
    Get "??"

    before 3.0.1547, some NPC names in the guide appears as "?" and yeah, that was a problem though..
    but other names worked correctly..

    but now, all names are gone, just "??"s

    is there any fix to this problem?

    now, i fixed this problem.

    please see this 1337kane's fix:


    Sounds like a translation issue. Can you change the WoW client over to English and see the proper names?
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.



      This is an issue with non-English clients it appears. Official word is that the coders are working to resolve the issue now. Try this temporary fix, all credits to Cartman:

      Originally posted by Cartman
      I have a quick solution. I removed the first line in the NPCs_enUS.lua file so it gets always loaded.
      The I changed the second line of the NPCs_deDE.lua file to this:
      So a second table with the german names gets built.
      At the end of the deDE file I inserted the following:

      for k,v in pairs(ZygorGuidesNPCsDE) do
      	ZygorGuidesNPCs[k] = v
      ZygorGuidesNPCsDE = {}
      With this code the guide overwrites names in the EN table with names of the DE table and clears the DE table afterwards to save memory.

      It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


        Try this post number 6: http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/sho...4638#post44638
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          My quick fix posted by Silverhawk should also work for the korean language (NPCs_koKR.lua) file.
          According to the post HERE the Zygor Team is working on getting this fixed.


            New guide version is available that should fix the NPC issue.


              i don't know

              Originally posted by Cartman View Post
              My quick fix posted by Silverhawk should also work for the korean language (NPCs_koKR.lua) file.
              According to the post HERE the Zygor Team is working on getting this fixed.
              thanks, Cartman.
              i read your thread but i didn't try yet..
              but maybe it'll work for NPC names and Mob names..
              but how about Quest names, Quest item names and etc.?
              as far as i know, in the NPCs_enUS.lua and other NPCs_().lua files, there are no such kind of things about these. (yeah, i opened those files..)


                I think mob names are also mostly stored in the NPCs file.
                Quest names are as far as I know translated on the fly, inside the guide files are only the quest IDs, not the names.


                  it has been a problem on the german client too...but since the update prior to v3 already...i was kinda hoping that with v3 this problem would go away but no luck there...just get used to finding your questgivers...it is kinda like playing without a guide at all...back to basics


                    With the latest guide update at least the english names should be shown. There are a few NPCs that even then have no name (one in Ashenvale in the horde guide I think)


                      It's just Fonts Problem.

                      hey, bleak110.
                      I use korean client too.
                      i solved this problem myself and i posted this thread 5 hours ago.



                        thank you

                        Originally posted by 1337kane View Post
                        hey, bleak110.
                        I use korean client too.
                        i solved this problem myself and i posted this thread 5 hours ago.

                        thanks, 1337kane

                        i'll try this

