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Big sorry to zigor world

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    Big sorry to zigor world

    as my last post i was gettting slamed alot about paying for another alliance guide when i paid for 1 to 80 all ready and haveing problems with the fact that the worgen wasnt in the guide then i found out threw the slam fest that i need the 80 to 85 aliance guide as well. But would like to say sorry it just that it seems that everyone is in your pocket when you play this game

    I don't think your last thread was a slam fest. Kamchak tried to just show another point of view compared to what you were posting. Also, he tried to close the thread off before other community members truly turned it into a slam fest. There are a lot of people that use the guides and love them and as such they'll defend the guides tooth and nail. As moderators we try not to let things go and get out of hand because we would rather see everyone enjoy the guides, but know that not everyone will be pleased about everything. We'll always answer your questions, and yes we might defend the guides if we feel the need to, but as moderators we do our best to keep our responses in check in hopes that you might find a reason to enjoy your purchase.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Hey Kivest;

      I own other guides out there, not just Zygors. Some of the biggest purchases I made were for Dugi's guides. Everyone knows I own Dugi's guides, I just dont care for them.
      The other post thread you made was turning into something that wasnt about your OP. It was leading to potential personal attacks.
      Now, on my end, I do respond shortly to ppl that post Zygor is just after more of our money. Zygor Guides is a business, and making money is the way you stay in business. Staying in business is what keeps our guides updated with new content, which is 95% of where the actual work is found, yet John doesnt get one penny for that huge chunk or time or effort.
      So, when new content comes out, John has to write from scratch; only this time it was much much worse; all of the content had to and still has to be tweaked, from level 1 to level 85.
      However, it is the fee you and I pay to John that allows the updated stuff to happen.
      But you will notice that I did not 'go after' your point of view like I have with other posters. You did not claim to be scammed, robbed, taken advantage of.... whatever. Yes, those people I target with a logic stick.
      I also had to take into consideration that non-members might read the post, and felt a need to counter a 'taking my money' type of post with the fact that a lot of work goes into these guides.
      Hopefully you arent too bothered by the events, and will stick it out with us. There are a lot of good things coming out of the office. They will cost money to enjoy, but such is the way of the universe, no?
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."



        I must say that every penny I have dished out has been well worth it. I don't mind paying money for great quality stuff such as Zygors guides. I have a freaken arrow that tells me roughly how long my travel time is to each location and exactly which location to go! That is simply amazing and ontop of all that the guide is very detailed of exactly what you have to do! It's an idiot proof guide which I can garentee has saved me weeks if not months of time leveling my toons. I understand why everything has a price to because these people also have to make and living and if they only charged you for the first guide and gave everything else free they wouldnt make any profit therefor why would they want to make more guides when it doesnt do them any good? I can't wait for the gold guide with the professions it's going to be truely epic. Keep up the good work Zygor!

        Cabby's Flight Path Guides

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