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To many bugs in zygor i started a new char i have this issue

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    To many bugs in zygor i started a new char i have this issue

    when i do a quest he skips to many quest givers he said i should be already lvl 4 while im almost lvl 3 he skips to many quest when doing a quest he blinks in the guide and skips alot of quest could that be fixed pls? how do i turn of the sis?

    Click on the Z button at the mini map go into Dynamic Progress and uncheck all the boxes there. Then you should have SIS turned off.
    Worgen Hunter - 85
    Night Elf Rogue - 85
    Draenei Paladin - 85
    Dwarf Shaman - 60 ( Paused )

    And soon more ^^


      What race does the guide cause these problems? In the 1-5 starting zones no quests should be skipped at all, I think the Zygor team implemented something to the guide to disable dynamic progress for certain guides so this may be a thing the developers should do for the starting zones.

