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City Reputation Guides

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    City Reputation Guides

    Everything si working fine but wondering where i can find the city rep guides. Not seeing them in game and havent been able to access my members page. But i can log in to the forums. Let me know, thnks for your time.



    So could really use some help here. I am on ver 3.0.1692, play Hord. With some more searching I found this:

    "I believe that was in the Icecrown section of the Dailies guides in a sub-menu. It's named Home Cities Exhalted so once you're in the right menu it's easy to spot it. " No help. Aint there.

    So can anyone point me in the direction of these "city guides"? Did they get removed?


      According to the patch notes of the guide version 1688 they should be there. It should be under Icecrown, Crusaders Title Guide, Home Cities Reputation.


        Just to confirm, they should be in: Zygor's Horde Dailies Guides > Northrend (70-80) > Icecrown > Crusader Title Guide > Home Cities Reputation.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          fastest way to get home reps is to wear the tabards aswell as doing quests .
          buy tabards next to flightpath in your home city eg orgrimmar .
          If you a Horde player Feel free to join our Horde group : http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/group.php?groupid=6


            agree the tabards would be a help, but still chasing the new factions. went to where i was told and no luck. gonna try and reload or repair and see what happens. only glitch i have had in awhile so no biggie, every little bit of help goes a long way. keep you posted.


              so i did a repair on the guides and now the cities guides are where they should be. thank you to the peeps who answered my post and got me fixed.

