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Account hacked, not because of Zygor

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    Account hacked, not because of Zygor

    EDIT: Added link:

    I was having issues where I got booted ALL THE TIME as soon as I logged in (MANY people on Blizzard's forums are having the EXACT same issue I am) for over a week, so I called tech support. I was on the phone with tech support for 1.5 hours... They finally determined that my account was hacked. Odd since I don't respond to phishing emails (I go to battle.net manually to check my account every time I get one), don't have viruses or spyware/malware (support guy even had me check). The only addon I use is Zygor Guides. Support Rep said it's "possible" that through some security hole in Zygor's guide someone was able to get my info... Anyone else having this problem?

    I find this scenario HIGHLY unlikely, but I thought I'd put it out there. Also, since there are so many others having the exact same issue (starting around the time the new WoW patch dropped), I doubt this diagnosis by the support rep.

    Any ideas? (BTW, the Blizzard rep reset my account, and upon logging in all my bank-alt's gold was gone :-( , but the rep said that would be restored. :-D )


    P.S. The rep asked if Zygor Guides was any good (he had been considering them for his personal WoW account but thought the price was too steep... It's not...), I totally talked them up. :-D

    There have been less than 1% of people using our Guides that have claimed to had their account hacked. If there was a security hole that was allowing hackers through they would collapse our market entirely to be worth it for them investing that much time in doing so. We are sorry to hear you were hacked but unfortunately it could happen from a multitude of reasons. Just make sure to not use the same password for any of your emails or products as you share with your WoW account. Good luck.
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      Well, think of it this way if it was Zygor's Guide that got you hacked then there would hundreds if not thousands of people with the same problem.You should get you an authenticator to help ensure that you don't get hacked again when you get your account back.Sorry to hear that you got hacked.
      You just keep doin' what it looks like you're supposed to be doin', no matter how crazy it seems.


        I would also add a authenticator to your account if it's getting hacked that much. Here is a FAQ about them if you want to know more:
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Originally posted by Zygor Support View Post
          There have been less than 1% of people using our Guides that have claimed to had their account hacked. If there was a security hole that was allowing hackers through they would collapse our market entirely to be worth it for them investing that much time in doing so. We are sorry to hear you were hacked but unfortunately it could happen from a multitude of reasons. Just make sure to not use the same password for any of your emails or products as you share with your WoW account. Good luck.
          I figured this was the case, just wanted to be double-sure. :-D


            This is typical for Blizzard.
            First they made the accounts insecure by using the e-mail as login name (so hackers only have to guess the password) and then blame others.
            Repeat this 10 times: "Blizzard are the good, they don't make mistakes!"

            The best way is to get an authenticator and you don't have to worry about hackers.


              Id just like to add that an authenticator isnt 100% fail-safe. If used enough times while you have, say, a keylogger installed, the algorithm can be guessed.
              An authenticator is close to mandatory as you can get, and is highly advisable. However, you still should keep the practice of changing your password at regular intervals as well.
              Just my experience and advise to keep your account safe.
              "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                Ordered authenticators for both my wife and I today. :-D As a side-note, thanks for changing the title of this thread, I couldn't find a way to do it myself.


