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Do you think this should change?

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    Do you think this should change?

    I'm starting a petition for Zygor Guides in hopes of seeing how many people support the idea. Please read the (closed) thread below:


    If you agree that these changes should be made, please quick reply with: "/signed" To let us know if you support the change.

    As far as I'm aware--after reading all the guidelines--this is not in any violation of forum rules and neither are any participants involved as we are simply trying to express our opinion to better the Zygor experience for all!

    Except for the fact the the owner of the guide closed the forum you had started.
    His statement has been made many times, and has been granted to you in his reply prior to closing.
    This has nothing to do with ToS or ToU or anything else related to a 'legality' to the posts you want to make regarding this subject. The response has been given to you.
    If you choose to continue to campaign for the guide change, do so in email.

    Closing the new thread.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

