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i like the new guide, I dont like it that i cant see anymore al the quest :(

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    i like the new guide, I dont like it that i cant see anymore al the quest :(

    In the guide before the new guide was there. It was possible to open the guide fully so I can check if I have done al the quest in that region. But now its very difficult ore even impossible to check this. Yes af course its great to level fast... But I am a big wower how likes to have and feel and see everything in the game. Therefore also the achievements.

    But if I skip to many quest, and I don’t have the opportunity to check them later. How can I receive my achievement then? Haha ohh and that brings me on my second questing. When can I use the announcement fore a achievement guide

    fore the rest.. rock on Zygor is the best

    Ohh ps i am not a newbie anymore i use the guide a long time now.
    Can you turn it back in the time i was smiling to the first time when i saw the Zygor guide.

    thank you
    Last edited by brouwsel; February 4, 2011, 11:43 AM. Reason: another questing

    Try clicking the options button on the Guide (top left of your Guide, looks like a gear) this will open the options under "Window Settings". In primary mode: Number of steps to show: Choose "ALL". This will show all the steps in the Guide. Hope this helps.
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