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were is my dam way point?!?!?

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    were is my dam way point?!?!?

    The is really makne me mad.... i start some new character ( night elf ) the guide workds FINE... when i get on my main and try to do the Crusader Title quest... The guide dosnt work.... It just Tells me what to do in the quest WERE IS MY DAM WAY POINT SHOWING ME WER TO GO?!! i tryd to Repair.. dosnt work.. i tryd reinstall dosnt work... i even went in game to try restore defults it dosnt work??? T WER THE HELL IS MY DAM WAYPOINt?? i tryd for other quest to on the charcter and ther is no waypoint its broken.... Sorry for such a bad post but this is crap.. and i feel like i just wasted money on ur guides More then i already did befor!

    No way point showing me wer to go = questing with out a storry! reall fun...

    Like i said sorry for my rage how to fix this???? i tryd everything

    Which guide exactly has the problem with waypoints?
    What happens? Do you simply don't get a waypoint arrow or does it say that you are at the waypoint even if you move? Does the waypoint show up on the world map?
    Maybe Blizzard messed something up with the last patch as the built in waypoints don't work on some occasions. I have the problem with a level 85 character and the Uldum dailies but not with another character who is questing there.

    You may try TomTom as waypointing addon:
    Just extract it to your addons folder and go into the guide options, section waypoint and switch to TomTom.


      I AM SORRY FOR post. Problem fixd....... im really dum way point was under skill bar wehn i do quest and no skill bar the way Point go in skill bar then whn im finishd quest the skill bar over way point so i see no way point.. but then i do a other quest and see a way point? im sorry


        Glad to hear that you found the arrow. Hopefully you moved the arrow to a different spot to make sure it's not covered up again.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

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