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Where is the "search box" on this website?

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    Where is the "search box" on this website?

    I can't find a "search box" on this website, I know there is an "advanced search" option but the name implies there should be a "not advanced" search box.
    So, where is it?
    It's not a biggie of course but still,...

    Top right, right below the Support link. Says 'Advanced Search'. Only search we've got here.
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      that's excactly the point i'm trying to get across, i'm sure i'm not the only one that is looking for the not so advanced search only because of there being an advanced search, but as i said it's no biggie, just a bit confusing, thx for the quick reply btw, now that one is answered i can start my (advanced) search knowing that it's not because i'm not looking hard enough for it, but just because there is none.
      I'm that kind of person who just has to know or it will keep on nagging in the back of my mind.
      Now i can sleep peacefully knowing it is just meant to be that way

