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need help loremaster

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    need help loremaster

    i am trying to get loremaster for howling fjord i only l need one more quest to finish there. but my guide shows that i have done them all as dose loremaster guide i did 2 quest in utgarde keep but i guess thay dont count dose anyone know of any quest that were not on guide i could do i have no idea where to look.i will do group quest or anything. not to be able to finish this because of one quest would suck
    thanks for help

    Sorry I don't know of the quests you need. Zygor knows about the howling fjord problem and he is working on fixing it. If you want you could try Quest Completist or Everyquest addons they should be able to help you find the quests.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      If you did not do it already I recommend "The Frostwyrm and his master". I was able to solo the dragon with every class.

      On Alliance side there are also two quests at the explorers league (where you use the construct) that the guide does not cover:
      This quest leads to another quest you turn in at Westguard.
      The quest is easy to do, just go to the platform with the three runes and use the middle one. This will bring you very close to the cave.
      I recommend putting this and the follow up into the guide as you already do the other quest to gather information there.


        I found that while working on the loremaster achieve, you often pickup the last 1 or 2 quests for an area once you've ventured into the next area. It can be a bit frustrating trying to find that last quest, but it all works out in the end. Good luck!


          In Outlands this is right, many zones are linked together.
          But in Northrend you get the achievement for most zones by following the guide.
          The only quests I did with my Alliance chars in addition to the guides in the Fjord are the ones at explorer's league and the frostwyrm one and I always got the achievement.
          In Sholazar I always did the last Nesingwary quest where you ride the Mammoth.
          Tundra and Dragonblight were ok with the leveling guide. Not sure about Grizzly Hills.
          Zul'Drak, Storm Peaks and Icecrown require to do group quests (Icecrown maybe even more than before as they removed one or two normal quests regarding the Killohertz bombing missions).

